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Mario rubbed his head in pain whilst Luigi struggled to recover and stand back up. Eventually the two brothers got back up and tried to bear their surroundings.

"Mario, where are we?" The younger of the two asked.

"I don't know bro, stay on your toes." Mario replied.

"Until then, we should start walking, and get familiar with our surroundings." Mario told Luigi, the green plumber only nervously nodded.

Dusk had finally settled, the moon shined through the trees of the dense forest.

Mario was still walking whilst Luigi was slumped over, exhausted.
"Ugh, I'm so tired..." Luigi
"I honestly have no idea... we should set up camp." Mario replied.
*a few minutes later*
Miraculously, Mario and Luigi managed to make an acceptable camp.
The tents were made of leaves and sticks and the bros made a campfire.
Luigi's stomach growled.
"Hey, Luigi we should find some food."
"My thoughts exactly! I'll go find some... fish! When I was getting some firewood I saw a lake!" Luigi said, excitedly, so excitedly, he grabbed the nearest vine and stick, dug his hand in the dirt and grabbed out a handful of worms and rushed off to the previously mentioned lake. Mario was slightly worried, but he was sure that Luigi would be fine. While Mario looked up at the glowing moon and smiled at it, it looked mesmerizing, yet so calming.
"Beautiful. Isn't it?"
Mario quickly turned around to see a white haired woman right behind him, she had red pants with unfamiliar white objects on them, while seemingly having a white button-up shirt.
"Ermmmm.. can I help you?" Mario asked the woman.
"Nope. In fact I'm here to help you." The woman replied.
"You seem lost and I'm just here to help." She continued.
"Wow! Uh.. thanks! What's your name?" Mario asked.
"Fujiwara no Mokou. But you could call me Mokou." Mokou said.
"Well you could call me Mario, nice to meet you, Mokou!" Mario said reaching his hand out for it to be shaken.
"Nice to meet you to, Mario." Mokou reached out her hand. When the two hands shook.. they just silently.. stood there.

*sfx crickets*

Mario and Mokou both still had their hands intertwined with smiles still on their faces.

Meanwhile, Luigi was still humming happily even though he hadn't caught anything for 15 minutes. But Luigi felt like something was watching him. Just waiting until the perfect time to strike, but he ignored it. Until.....

"Hello, mister." A voice said behind Luigi.

Luigi had turned around to see a little girl wearing a black dress and having a bow tie on her head.

"Oh! Hello little one," Luigi said.
"How can I help you?"

"Green mister, can I eat you?" The blonde girl asked.

"Ehhhhh?" Luigi replied confused, but before Luigi could say anything else the blonde girl had bit Luigi in his right arm. Blood started to come out of Luigi's arm. Luigi looked at his arm in absolute horror at his arm. The girl rushed toward Luigi again intending to take of his whole right arm in one try. Luigi narrowly dodged the attack. "MARIO!!!!!!!!!" Luigi shouted.

*back at camp*

Mario and Mokou were still in an awkward handshake position. Then Mario heard Luigi's cry and finally broke the awkwardness by looking in the direction Luigi has screaming in.
"Mokou! Did you hear that?" Mario asked.
"Of course I did,"Mokou responded.
"But who was that screaming?"

"It was Luigi!"
"My younger brother."
"You're younger brother sounds like an old woman."
"Eh, your kinda right. Anyways lets-a-go!"
"Wait! How do you know where your brother is?"
"Don't worry I'll scout the area."
"You can fly?!"
"Of course, that's common in Gensokyo."
"I can't fly(without a power up that is)!
"You must not be from around here."
Mokou shot up into the sky and found a huge open area where Luigi and a little blonde girl and black were fighting.
Mokou sighed and rushed back down to the ground, grabbed Mario by his overalls(ignoring Mario being confused and screaming as well) and flew over too the open area. Once Mario and Mokou arrived Mokou floated down to the surface and dropped Mario on the ground. "You could've warned me first..." Mario said slightly shaken by the sudden 'trip' Mokou gave Mario. "Sorry about that." Mokou apologized.
Luigi rushed behind Mario and peered over his shoulder and pointed at the girl. "Th-that's not a-a hu-human!" Luigi said, terrified.
"That must be a youkai then.." Mokou said.
"Awww, three against two that's not fair... I guess I'll have to eat you all up..." the youkai said.

Luigi felt a chill down his spine.

Mario got into his fighting stance

Mokou kept her hands buried into her pockets.

The dark human-eating youkai, Rumia just looked hungry.

"Oh nooooooo..." Luigi chattered.


Well! I've just finished this first chapter
of this series I made. New characters will be introduced soon as well. I feel like I'll have a very inconsistent update schedule once school starts  again though... well I hope you enjoyed anyway! See ya later!!


"Seems like those boys have survived that fall somehow... no matter, as long as I get to steal treasure..."

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