Mr. Moutain Man (Part 2 of 2)

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Luigi was bleeding profusely, while Suika and Chen were incapacitated, but not near him. A hooded figure clouded by the midnight darkness walked up to him.

"It seems as if... your luck has run out..." the figure seemingly took out a feudal sai and raised it, and brought it down swiftly.



Ok! Ok! So I'll save you the trouble and say Luigi doesn't die here, shocker I know. So to understand this dilemma, we're gonna have to go back...


Welcome to the past! Which was approximately one hour ago. So let's see happened.

"So you're saying, that your older brother, is staying at Reimu's shrine?" Suika asks Luigi.

"Yeah, I have no idea why this 'Yukari' lady wants me to climb this mountain just so I can have somewhere to stay. It's completely ridiculous." Luigi complained. Suika nods in agreement.

"Well that's Yukari for you, she does everything on her own whims, by the way, Luigi, want some booze?" Suika said, getting a purple gourd from her side. Suika takes the cork from the gourd and started to chug it. When she was finished, she offered it to Luigi, he quickly declined.

"Uh... no thanks, I don't drink alcohol."
"Heh heh! Suit yourself!" Suika replied and chugged some more booze. Chen who was seemingly forgotten by the two decided to speak up.

"Hey you two, it's getting dark, maybe we should start making a camp," she suggested.
"She's right." Luigi agreed.
"OK! I'll get some firewood" Suika said, running off into the forest.
"That girl moves fast," Luigi admits.
"A little too fast..." Chen adds.



Suika jogs around the dark forest in search of some firewood.
"Come on... there has to be some firewood around here... UGNH!!" Suika while looking for some wood, she had tripped over some.

"Hey! This is perfect!" she said while picking up some wood, and started running back to Luigi and Chen. Speaking of which, Luigi had built the camp, while Chen tied the camp the down.

"You're pretty good at building," Chen said to Luigi.
"Heh heh, thanks! I practiced building landscapes with Mario a couple of years ago." Luigi replied. Chen cocked her head in confusion.
Building landscapes? She thought.

"HEY GUYS!! I FOUND SOME WOOD!" Suika shouted, running toward them.
"YOU DON'T NEED TO YELL!!!" Luigi and Chen shouted back her.
"Aw shaddup, " Suika said, dropping the firewood at Luigi's feet, "Start the fire please," she said. Luigi sighed as he collected the firewood, and placed it inside a circle of rocks.

"Hey, Chen watch this," Luigi said to her. Luigi put out a finger and a green flame come out from it, Luigi put his finger to the flame and it lit up, a green fire was now emanating from the wood.

"See? That's cool isn't it?" Luigi asked Chen.
"Woah that's so-"


A tranquilizer dart which had flown from a tree and intended to hit Suika in the back was caught by Suika herself, and she didn't even turn around.

"Looks like we aren't alone here, " Suika said to Chen and Luigi, " You can come out wherever you are!!" Suika yells at the trees.

"I wonder where that's coming from-"

A tranquilizer dart managed to hit Chen in the back, knocking her out.

"I should use more darts for the oni if that's the case..."

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