The Hottest Day in Gensokyo

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"Hey! Luigi wake up!!"

Luigi was in his bed at his house, with Mario pleading for him to get up.
"Ohhhh, huh?" Luigi noticed this. It was bright outside, the birds were chirping and uhhhh, flowers were blooming or whatever...
"Oh, Mario! I had the craziest dream last night! So, we landed in this forest area, and then this girl guided us out of it! Then we were at this place, with two rabbit girls, and Villager! You remember him right? Anyway, after we left that place, we went to this village, and there we saw Darkrai and some other girl tied up there, th-then they disappear! Then we meet four girls! One looked like a witch, another looked like an English girl, and the other looked like a Japanese lady! Then the fourth one had this HUGE dress, then she teleported me to this mountain, and she told me to climb it! It was a very odd dream..." Luigi said.
"It does sound odd Luigi, now wake up Luigi..." Mario said.
"Wake up... wake up!"

"Wake up! WAKE UP!" Someone who wasn't Chen said.
"Are you ok mister? You seemingly passed out when you got here." A gentle sounding voice said.
"I don't blame him. This heat is UNBEARABLE." The voice that wasn't Chen said again.
"Who are you two and where's, Chen?" Luigi asked getting up.
"My name is Hina Kagimaya."
"Nitori Kawashiro and your cat friend is sleeping on you," Nitori said.
Chen was sleeping quietly on the ground until she wakes up quickly.
"I had a really bad dream!!" Chen said.
"That's nice Chen, where are we anyway?" Luigi asked Nitori.
"This is Genbu Ravine, home of (most) of the kappa, you fell asleep on the Youkai Mountain, and well, we carried you here," Nitori explained.
"Correction. I carried you here." Hina said.
"Exactly! We carried you here." Nitori claimed.
Nitori suddenly trips out of nowhere.
"Oops," Hina says.
"I hate that ability of yours," Nitori mumbled getting back up, "Anyways, it's very hot, I'll take you two back to my workshop," Nitori said.

*back at the village*

Koishi was on Pit's shoulders while the angel was sweating pretty hard, but Koishi was sweating harder.
"Giddyup horsey!" Koishi exclaimed.
Pit groaned knowing that Koishi would refuse if Pit asked her to get off of him, Pit took a quick sniff and realized that he and Koishi smelled... peculiar.
"Hey, Koishi, do you know anywhere around here with a shower or hot spring..." Pit asked.
Koishi thought about it for a few seconds.
"Oh yeah! The Myouren Temple is near here," Koishi answered, "Follow me!" Koishi dismounts herself off of Pit's shoulders and skips cheerfully to the Myouren Temple whilst Pit struggled to keep up.

*Nitori's workshop*

"Ahhh.." Luigi was standing right in front of the air conditioner that Nitori installed in her workshop.
Nitori's workshop was relatively small, it looks like a small wooden cabin, there was a table with a lamp on it with blueprints, rulers, and pencils. Also, there were a few monitors around the cabin. There was also a small garage attached to the workshop.
"Don't hog the air," Nitori said, "You're not the only one who's sweating."
"Yes, but I'm the only man here, and as the only male here I get most of the air," Luigi said.
Nitori snickers.
"Man? Yeah. Ok, sure. Just remember that a WOMAN built that air conditioner you're hogging." Nitori said.
"Actually Mister, you never told us your name," Hina said.
"Oh, well. Imma Luigi number one!" Luigi introduced himself.

Hina giggles.
Nitori rolls her eyes.

"Well I have a plan for the Human Village, there is a statue in the middle of the Human Village, and I'm going to push this switch, and water will dispense out of the statue," Nitori explained.

With that said, Nitori finally pushes the button and one of the monitors turn on a shows the Human Village.

*at the Human Village*
Mario had just got groceries for him and Reimu from the local market.
"Water? WATER!" Mario happily dumps his face into the water. It was very hot out, so what Mario needed... was scalding water. The plumber shot up from the statue and started screaming.
"AHHHHHH! THAT WAS SCALDING!!" Mario shouted, he grabbed his groceries and ran away.

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