Rabbit Ears!

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The wind gently blew, and Luigi could've sworn that he saw a tumbleweed blow past. Mario's eyes were fixated on Reisen's bunny ears.

I wonder what they feel like... Mario thought.

Reisen eventually took notice Mario's staring and sipped her tea a little faster.

Tewi also took notice, and a sly smile appeared on Tewi's face.

"So... ummmmm. What're your names?" Tewi asked.

"We're the Super Mario Brothers!" Mario and Luigi said, the two brothers stood up and struck a pose.

The wind blew again.

"Yeah, I'm done here," Reisen said, getting up and leaving the room. Tewi noticeably giggled which lead to Eirin elbowing Tewi in the stomach.

"Oof!" Tewi exclaimed, turns out Eirin doesn't know her own strength because Tewi barely walked out of the room after that.

"Is she ok?" Luigi asked.

"Ermmm.. she's fine," Eirin replied.

"Those were some... interesting poses," Kaguya stepped in, "but what are your names?"

"Oh." The brothers said. After the two introduced brothers introduced themselves and Eirin and Kaguya did the same thing. Nothing. Nothing particularly happened.

"Who were the two rabbit people?" Mario asked.

"Ah, yes," Eirin said, "The taller one is Reisen Udongein Inaba, and the shorter one is Tewi Inaba. You seem to interested in Reisen's ears, Mario." Eirin followed up.

"I mean, if someone had bunny ears on their head you'd want to touch them to!" Mario said defensively.

"All right, all right, " Eirin said, "Mario, was it? I appreciate your enthusiasm, however, Reisen is a nurse, not a toy." Mario had slumped in defeat. Everything was going pretty swell, until a white bunny rabbit hopped into the room, and everything went silent.

"You guys keep rabbits in your building! That's pretty funny." Mario said, picking up the rabbit guest.

"Yes we do," Eirin said, "I bought a radio from the kappa on Youkai Mountain, and it's able to connect to the Outside World, Kaguya, has recently become attached to a RB group from the 80's, or something like that." Eirin explained.

"Eirin. I can't believe you don't realize my tastes!" Kaguya replies sassily, then she turned to Mario "that rabbit you're holding right now, his name is Ronnie."

"Like Ronnie DeVoe?" Luigi asked."

"No, just Ronnie," Kaguya said, leaving Luigi and Mario slightly confused. After Kaguya's blunt statement, there was a small squeak from the other room.

Then there were a few more small squeaks.

Then the squeaks got louder. Then there was bustling from the other room again. Then, they came, crashing through the doorway.


AH! OH GOD!" Mario yelled as a group of rabbits threw themselves on top of him. Luigi was freaking the hell out meanwhile, screaming and thrashing around like a baby, however, Eirin and Kaguya just kept still, like this had happened a million times before. Kaguya had raised both of her hands and had clapped twice, then all of the rabbits froze. All of the rabbits fell off of Mario, Luigi, Eirin and Kaguya. The rabbits had scrambled around the room, and then they all lined up.

"Y'know what? Maybe you should get some sleep. Eirin, if you could guide them to their rooms." Kaguya suggested. Mario and Luigi had no qualms.

"Here is your room Mario. Good night." Eirin said as she showed the bedroom to Mario, it was a fairly small room with one futon and one table, needless to say, it was very simple. As the nurse walked back down the hall, Mario took off his shoes and slipped into his cozy futon. Everything that was happening at this moment was so surreal, would Mario ever get back to the Mushroom Kingdom? He lay staring up at the pitch black ceiling and pondered his questions. Until, he heard static coming from another room, it sounded like a radio being tuned. Mario could faintly hear words being exchanged.

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