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It's been two weeks. Yeh, two weeks since Samuel's been jumping over the rainbow with his girlfriend. I couldn't help but to fake my smiles and congratulate them just like everyone else. It was late, around 5 in the evening. My dad was late to pick me up, so I was alone in front of my classroom, sheltering myself from the hard rain that has been pouring down all day.

"Kang Seo Eun?" A sweet sound talked to me from my right side. I turned to see a handsome figure of Samuel standing right there. I blinked my eyes twice to make sure I wasn't having hallucinations. After all it's been a long day and the rain is just making me dizzier. "What the hell are you doing here? Class got dismissed three hours ago," he said, with a little soft voice, probably because of the rain or it's just my ears. "My car's late," I replied, trying not to be awkward.

"That's bad. The rain must be blocking all the roads." He shrugged while walking closer to me to share the tiny roof that covered me from the rain for the past three hours. "Why are you here?" I asked, a little too curious how is that possible for him to be here. "Ah, was on a date with Lisa. We end up fighting so I just came here to clear my head, you know." He frowned. "You two look good," I stupidly crazily said. It doesn't even make any sense. "We just look like we do. We have a lot of different perspectives on a lot of things." He sighed while looking at the rain.

"Like?" I asked. "If it's not too personal I mean," I quickly added since it's a manner. "It's okay. Lisa likes to go out, have fun, and live her life to the fullest. I'm okay with that, but NOT okay with partying and getting drunk at a guy's house."

Wow, such a bitch.

"I don't know what to say," I looked away because I seriously don't know. Should I just say date me instead or it's gonna be fine because IT'S NOT. He just chuckled, "Of course you don't. Definitely a girl like you wouldn't understand her." He said while dragging himself closer to me. "The wind's too cold. Sorry if you feel squishy,"

How could I feel squishy with you?

"It's okay. The wind's just... crazy." You laughed. But it wasn't even funny. "You haven't changed," he said out of nowhere. "Me?" I asked, not knowing what he's talking about. "Your face I mean. It's recognizable. You still remember we used to bully that kid? I forgot her name." He said while smiling. "Gyeong Mi? I do. She was always the catcher. We always run." You laughed, recalling all the memories.

{Flashback start}

I was probably eight years old strolling around the playground like an idiot screaming because a girl was chasing me. The whole class was playing catching-catcher. I was staring at Samuel who was on the slide, ready to slide down if the catcher ever climbs up. I pushed him down so that he would get caught. We were too young that time to blame each other. We just laughed it off. I looked at smile, dazed, I became a frozen rock. "Caught you!" He hugged you from behind. That hug meant nothing to you since he caught you, but now, it was all you need.

{Flashback end}

"I miss the old times. You, me, Ji Hoon, Jae Hwan, Yuri, Soo Young, and Yoona. Our gang had the strongest friendship... before you left us. And soon Soo Young did too." He said. "Same goes for me," I said. I meant it. I really meant it. I wished time reversed to that time and I would be the happiest girl in the whole world.

Peep! Peep! It was a car honk. My dad arrived, at the climax. Sheeez. "That's my dad. You need a drive home?" I asked, many it's just a casual manner but I just wanted to spend more time with him. "If it's not a hard thing for you," he shrugged. "Hop in," I said while we both got into the car. "Appa, this is Samuel. Do you remember him?" I asked, creating a happy atmosphere. "You have too many friends to remember. Where do you live child?" He asked. "Gangnam, (xxx). Thank you ajussi." He bowed.

"Do you like that kid?" my dad asked as soon as he left. "What?" I burst out laughing, pretending I don't like him. "Of course not dad. Besides, he has a girlfriend." I said while looking out the window. The rain was just as hard. "Okay," he said. "I do believe you." he sarcastically said. "Appa! I really don't like him." Then we two end up laughing because it was a obvious fact I do. 

I like him, I like him very much. 

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