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Samuel and Lisa finally left after saying bye byes. Samuel wasn't very pleased and Lisa probably had a thousand questions in her head. "What was that?" I eyed Min Hyun who was busy typing something on his phone. "What was what?" He pretended like he didn't know. "You literally said we are together," I stressed on the are. "Well, you could've denied. You had time." He smirked as he slid his phone back into his pocket.

"Cmon, I'll take you back home." He said while grabbing my hands and intertwined our fingers. I immediately broke off the bond, "What are you doing?" My cheeks were probably as red as tomato but the moonlight makes it less obvious. "Holding my girlfriend's hand isn't considered a crime, does it?" He said while messing with my hair. "I never agreed to be your girlfriend, silly." I said. "Then I'll ask you now, will you be my girlfriend?" He bluntly said. WHAT? I couldn't tell if he was just joking but for the first time, I doubted myself if I wanted to say no 100%. Somewhere inside me knew this man will keep me happy, happier than ever.

"It's not funny Min Hyun ah. Let's go, we'll miss the bus." I quickly said when he suddenly grabbed my hands, spinning me around, making way into his torso again. I liked being there, somehow... I felt safe. His two long hands wrapped around my waist tightly like I'm safe as long as I'm with him. I suddenly felt everything in my mind was displaced like someone's telling me that this is right. I didn't resist an inch, I stood there like a statue.

"Do you know how hard it is to be friends with you?" He said while his right hand slowly brushed my hair. The gentle wind that was blowing against my direction made me feel better in some way like it did in the dramas. "I don't know exactly how I fell for you, but what's more important is I did. And I will keep falling for you the next ten years, twenty years, till death probably." He laughed. I just smiled idiotically. "Please, come to me Seo Eun ah. I'll keep you happy. I love you. Believe me," Every words that came out of him was like a box of candies that was given to a child. It was just so perfect and all I needed. Even if it wasn't from him, I was happy.

"I can't just say I love you like suddenly," a faint sound of my voice came out. I was being courageous already. Normally, I'd run away already. I could sense his smiling face above my head. He then got out of the hug and cupped my face. "You don't need to love me yet, I'll make you fall for me. Just be my girlfriend, Kang Seo Eun."

And with that... I nodded... believing in him.

This is a very short chapter since I wanted to keep the next parts in one chapter. Will update nine soon xxx

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