Episode 3: The Feeling Call Love

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And so it happened that our sudden friendship was now blooming at it's best.We had our usual special lunch at the rooftop.She would always tell me of her reason in life,what she wanted to do and how she wanted her life to settle as.
All the things she said we're amazing,but it had put me into deep thought about myself."Could I be like her?","I really wanna be like her and always have her by my side!".Well as the days passed we had finally got our long awaited summer holidays.
Not like I had much to do,but in the week before our break,we had exchanged our e-mails and were now in a state of close friendship.
Well the start of summer and I had nothing to do.Not exactly so,but I choose it cause there we're still people around who thought nothing of me.

"Should I ask her to hangout?","Will that bother her? ","She might have already made plans",all those thoughts went through my mind.Then I had received a mail,"Wanna hangout?",was what it said and it was from Mitsuha.I wouldn't say I was thrilled but was happy cause someone had wanted my presence.
We decided to meet up the next day,cause it was already dark by then.
The coming day we met up at an amusement park.We didn't really had a thought out plan,but just went on any and every ride that we could.I came to know that she was scared of sitting in the roller coaster and I was scared of the haunted house when we went there.I guess it was karma playing it out cause I laughed at her for being scared of the coaster and she got me back at the haunted house.
We were having so much fun that by time we realised it's was already sunset. Well since we hadn't had anything to eat,we decided to go grab a bite.While eating we sat on a bench,I was thinking of what I could say to her, "Mitsuha I really enjoyed today" was all I could say.I regretted it the next moment cause it kinda soundes awkward.That was what I thought but,"Yeah","Umm you know I think that we are kinda alike",she said those.I was trying to find the right words to reply but,again,"I know it sounds weird but I wanna help you out cause you seemed troubled,and in that way you can help me out too",she said.I was awed of how much this girl could understand me.Trying to find the right words to say I saw the ferris wheel."Hey wanna go on the Ferris wheel?",I asked her,and that's how we reached the climax of our story so far.
While sitted on the Ferris Wheel,I was deep in thought over what she had said to me earlier.Neither of us spoke, it was like we were both isolated, but then I took up the courage and said,"Mitsuha,Thank you so much for being my friend. "She smiled and said,"Sure" and at that moment we were at the peak if the Ferris wheel and the sun had already set.There she looked so beautiful with a smile on her face,and the beauty of the stars over us,which made her look more attractive,with a smile that no one had ever shown me.That instant moment I don't know how it happened but for the first time I came to know of the feeling called-Love.
And so after that I dropped her off at her station and we both headed home.

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