
584 21 4

anonymous asked:
"Describe love using the 5 senses."

se7enteenblack answered:
"Love smells like freshly baked bread, clean linen sheets, and the warm wet smell of rain in the heat.

Love tastes like powdered sugar, faintly sweet. Like a flaky buttery croissant. Like a thick dark cup of coffee.

Love feels like a dive into perfectly temperatured indoor pool, like the stinging heat of a warm house after a few hours in the snow (inviting but still biting). Love feels like the right tongue fitting perfectly in your mouth.

Love sounds like a TV on low in the background of a sleeping couple. Love sounds like the buzz of a periwinkle blue refrigerator light at 3 am. Love sounds like the slight snore and smacking lips of a sleeping child.

Love looks like the silver light the floods through sheer curtains just before the sun rises when it seems like the entire world is quiet and revolving around you. Love looks like round blurry city lights through a wet windshield. Love looks like skin. Love looks like skin so close you can see every pore, every freckle, every pimple, every scar. And damn does it look beautiful."

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