Chapter 4

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"If dad was here everything would have been better. Mum is not doing anything ," Oliver shouted.

William jumped into the living room and replied to him with a sharp tone," Oliver ! Dad is not here anymore forget about him because that man forgot about us. He has a new family so stop nagging about how life would be i dad was here and mum was the way she was before dad left us because this is not going to happen again ! Now come guys dinner is ready ".

Oliver ran upstairs mumbling angrily. William picked up Lilly from the ground and tickled her making her laugh and scream.

After dinner , Alaska went upstairs quietly with a plate full of the chicken noodles that William made to the boys attic and knocked the door," Oli open the door please."

Oliver opened the door with tears on his cheeks and with a brittle voice he said " yes Alaska what do you want ?"

"Oliver here's dinner and I'm so sorry about dad but dad left us oli we don't have a choice or a say in it and yes i do know that if dad was here everything would have been okay but he isn't here right know so we need to adapt on his absence." Alaska replied.

Oliver nodded his head " I know I'm sorry."

"Here take your food and eat it .Lilly called you for dinner but you didn't come so don't sleep with a hungry tummy ." Alaska said softly hugging him.

Alaska went to her room and saw Lilly was asleep in her part of the bed . She pulled out the box from beneath her bed and opened it and then started counting all the money she got .

Alaska then let out a deep breath and shook her head ," uh god. I only have 37 dollars .25 dollars are for the groceries. So i have 12 dollars left but Lilly's birthday is next week so a birthday cake ingredients and a little gift for her . 12 dollars aren't enough for this . I need to get oli shoes which probably cost more than 20 dollars uh god what do i do ?"

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