Grandma's House

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It was late at night, around 01:40 and I was sleeping. It was raining heavily outside. I suddenly woke up at a strange noise. It was like the tap running but I was quite sure that I had not left it open. I stood up from my bed, walked towards the wardrobe to grab a jacket because it was freezing cold. Something strange was going on...

Then, I headed to the door turning the door-knob and leaving my bedroom. The tapping sound was now more intense and louder. What was going on? I had started freaking out.. I entered the kitchen and turned on the light. The candle I had left lit was now off. I headed to the window and opened the curtains only to be freaked out! My dog was hang from the ceiling with his stomach "open" and his throat cut! I cried out in pain, psychological pain. "Noo!!" I screamed out and immediately opened the window. I let the rain fill me with its water and I ran crying for my doggy. I untied the ropes and took it n my arms. I sat down and kept crying. I just couldn't understand how could someone remove a life? No one has the right to kill anyone or 'anything'! My best friend was gone and I couldn't care less about the rain and the blood. All I wanted was to find a place to hide and forget about the world...

As I was standing there holding him in my arms, all of a sudden I heard a scratch noise from the inside of my house. I froze in my position turning my head only to see at the inside of the dark house...I swallowed deeply and walked quietly in the house closing the window behind me. I located the dog's- my best friend's body near the sink of the kitchen. I opened the shelf near the sink and took a big knife. I quietly and slowly walked on my tiptoes to leave the kitchen. I was breathing heavily and my heart was pounding...There was seriously someone in my house! I entered the hallway still on my tiptoes and stopped with my body frozen once again. That scratching noise was heard again. But only this time louder and ... scarier. I took a heavy breath and continued walking towards the bathroom while the noise seemed to come from that place. I waited for a couple of seconds outside the bathroom and slowly touched the cold doorknob ready to turn it around. I stopped for a moment to take deep breaths and I quickly kicked the door leaving it wide open, hitting the wall behind it. My eye took notice of the opened window on which the branches of the tree were leaving scratches. I sighed in relief while walking towards it to close it. As I turned to walk away from the bathroom I jumped on my feet. My reflection in the mirror...I was in such a mess, my hair so wet and dirty and my eyes were in a deep shade of red.

I decided I should take my dog's body and...burry it. I cannot say these words or evn think about them. I headed to the kitchen once again and I stood in front of his body watching him laying on the counter without breathing, without....his stomach-God that was disgusting! What kind of monster could comit something like this? It had already started emitting a horrible smell, so I decided to wear gloves and put him in a box. But now I had to 'cross' the basement....another creepy place inside this house. I took an oil lamp because my grandma hadn't any light down there. She never wanted to have lights down there, which was quite annoying due to the fact that we stored a lot of stuff down there, either in fridges or inside closets and it was important for a light to hang there. 

Eventually, I found a lighter and filled the lamp with some oil.It was still raining cats and dogs outside. Now this is a bad expression...'Cats and dogs', seriously it fits with the situation. I hated such bad weather conditions, they were always followed by bad incidents, like mine tonight. I finally lighted the lamp and headed to the basement. I have to admit that when I was younger I always fancied hiding in the basement and siting there during the evenings. I enjoyed the excitement of being in such a creepy place. I was a little...strange as a child. But that wasn't what I should be thinking about right now. I had to focus on finding a box. A small box. 

I opened the front door of the house and walked fast down the stairs. There were so many stairs and I was tired enough. I finally reached the bottom of the stairs and I was about to open the door when it opened itself. Maybe it was the wind...Yes it was probably the wind. Besides there was an open window down there. An open window....No one has ever been down here since my grandma died. But the fact that the door was already opened, or even better un-locked, well that was strange....But I had enough with the strange things tonight. Tomorrow I'm leaving this place. I don't care what my mother says, I cannot live in here anymore.

 I brought the lamp ahead from my face to distinguish anything in the darkness. Which was strange because even though the window was opened I could at least-Oh who am I kidding?!! That window could never lighten that basement. I would always remain as creepy as always. I moved the lamp further away from my face to make things easier because it was already difficult to find one simple box. A which I would place my dog's body.

While wandering around the basement, I bumped into something...Well I cannot describe what exactly was that obstacle. I bented on my knees to have a better look on the-What the actual fuck?!! It was... a dead body! A human's dead body this time! This is bad! This is so bad! And scary at the same time! I ran upstairs and locked the front door. I suppose that it was not my night. I sighed a little pretending that I was safe. But I knew that I wasn't. I knew that this place was not safe at all!

I knew I shouldn't have accepted to live in here until my parents where about to return. It was their responsibility to take after the place. But as always I was the stupid one to become used by them, while my sister was studying in university and my brother....ha my little innocent brother. Yes he was still a kid! After all these years he remained a child! For God's sake! He is already 17! They always accused me for whatever was happening inside our family. But not this time! I was leaving the place right now! I couldn't bother myself about my dog, I would ran away from the house and abandon them all! I didn't need them. I was independent and I could stand on my feet like everyone else! I was the older kid.

I headed angrily to the kitchen, holded inmy emprace the doggy and walked towards the back door. I didn't care about the rain. All I could bother myself with was to find a way to go away from the house. The house with the memories. The house where I had spent most of the good days from my childhood, the place where I played for uncountable hours, the place where I had spent my Christmas and Easter with family and relatives, the place where I had...lived. 

I had already departed from the place and I immediately regretted it. My subconscious was telling me to go far far away from the there and save myself, but my heart wouldn't let me. So I returned home. I had spent days of happiness and love at this place. I knew deep down that I loved it. I knew that I shouldn't leave it. I knew that I ....couldn't leave it.

As I re-entered the building, I decided to leave the "body" outside of the house, because of the bad smell. I should certainly have a bath. But before I could go to the bathroom, I distinguished a dark shadow of a tall man, I think. I stood froze to the spot. I knew it! I knew that someone was in my house! He turned his face and smiled at me. Creepily smiled. He raised his hand and I realised that he was holding a gun. I screamed and attempted to ran away once again but h-he shot me. In the heart. I could feel the pain of the cold bullet crashing with my heart. It was such pain. I couldn't speak or move my body. I bended slowly on my knees and then fell slowly on the cold floor of the kitchen. I knew I couldn't survive, the bullet was now crossing every inch of my heart. I was I closed slowly my eyes and left the pain go away and I saw it. I saw the light everyone was conversating about when you would die. I saw it!

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