The relief

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I tried to pull my body under a big tree. I sat down slowly while sobing and layed my body down on the grass having my back turned and touching the tree. It was quite relieving to feel the cool and a little wet grass soft against my skin. I let the tears stream down my face and forgot for a little about what was happening during this period. I wanted a place to hide me from this life, a lace where people could understand me, a place where I could find myself again. It was pathetic thinking of all these things that I could have, but never earn.

Suddenly, I heard the engine of a car approaching and eventually stopping. It was a man who was driving the car. I couldn't see his face...What if it was the mysterious one?? What if he came to shot me again?? I couldn't take a step back now. Now that I was so close to him. I had to be smart...I had to think of a plan. So here's what I'm gonna do. I will wait hidden behind the tree till he gets out from the car and when he approached me, I would jump on his back and hit him with a branch from the tree. Well, ok this is a stupid plan, but it's the only possible way back to- no not home. Just to steal his car and go to the city somehow. I knew little how to drive, but at least I could. I would go to the city or something and start my journey.

I heard his footsteps on the grass while getting closer and closer to my spot...the tree. But to my relief he didn't know I was behind it. He was coming closer and closer and closer...and that was my shot. I had to stand on my feet and hit that son of a bitch! When he was one step, just one step ahead, I jumped on his back and started hitting him with a thin wood-steak. He started crying out in pain, though it wasn't so tough...the branch. Wait a minute...this man is shorter than the mysterious man. "Who are you?!!", I yelled after I jumped down and took a few steps away from him. Just in case...

"Who are YOU?!!", he asked frustrated touching in pain the spots where I had hit him. I knew I had just asked vandalism on somebody I didn't know at all, but I had to be cautious. I didn't know the guy! "I asked first!", I shouted at him. "Well I'm not gonna tell my name to a fucking psycic slut!", he spoke this time lowering a little his voice. "How dare you fucking ...creeper?!!", he had no right to call me this way. He didn't know shit about me. That bliat. "How dare I? Are you fucking kidding me?!!", he yelled frustrated,"You fucking jumped on my back out of nowhere and started hiting me with a-What the fuck is this? Is that a branch? Jeez I cannot believe I have inks by a fucking branch?! Fuckk!", he said and for a moment I thought he would hit me...the way he was throwing his arms in the air full of frustration was...crazy. That fucking psycho! "O! I'm sorry! I'm fucking sorry! I thought you were someone else..", I exclaimed in an apologising yet angry way. "Who could possibly be the 'lucky' one to have you jumping on his back and hitting him with a fucking branch?! Jeez this is so stupid and crazy, at the same time!", he said and softened his expressions a little. "It was", I said and realised that I wasn't angry anymore. I was...sceptical.

Concerning what did I just do. I mean to say that from the way he acts he fucking deserved what I did to him, but yet he remained a stranger. "What's your name?", he asked me. "Sam...Yours?", I asked him more like I was doing it by obligation and less from an interest."Beau", he said.

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