Chapter 6: And So, The Journey Begin

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I'm seriously running out of idea of what picture to put into this novel  just to spice things up*lazy face*

Two weeks turned into a month. A month turned into two months. Yet, the same old boring drill and routine always happened one after anohter. Yah, the usual stuff was boring... but, it wasn't that boring for the recruits to slacked off. Drill, simulations, workouts, lessons were being cram down to every available memory space that human could handled. Which mean keeping them on their feet all the time from the rise of dawn to dust, and beating so much meanie words into their face that they have nightmare til the rest of their life.

To Yuuji, the first month was more entertaining than any of the repetitive practices over the 8 weeks course. Yes, he got to admit it... Those days were more memorable despite the fact that he was put into many out of this world situation. He felt like he been thrown into a movie, or even an anime. Not complaining though, because the MC in that kind of animated show usually got some very very very good luck. Or he could be overthinking stuff, and this kind of event usually happened when joining the military?

Eh, at least his mind was filled something to do rather than aimlessly doing nothing. Well, easier said than done. Leadership was hard... end of story.

"This is great, recruit Anderson." Stanley smiled to himself, and flopped back down on his chair. At the same time, he threw a documental report onto his table.

Yuuji been called to the headmaster office for the first time in a month. For a person that been attached and used to calling around by the big bad boss wasn't that frightening. He stood there with a stern face looking forward, but his eyeballs managed to caught a quick glimpse of his name on the paper.

"I'm sure all of us aware of the news recently. Yeah, the Federation was quick in their work. Almost every dig site and bases in the Pacific near East Asia was lost. ASEAN completely under their control. Japan and Korea were desperate holding onto their ground, and we lost two carrier strike group! And they only have like what? Five at most! We have thirteen fucking of those group in active right now..."

Yuuji still stood there silently. He had no idea why would the rear admiral would be informing him, and expressing his anger like this. But it was true, and the cause was simple: long range anti-aircraft carrier missile. On the other hand, that was what the military was reporting. Maybe there was something that they didn't want the public to know. Noticing Anderson worried face and uptight atmosphere around him, Stanley snorted. He guessed he should going a bit over the top of pouring all the anger into one recruit for no reason.

"Sorry, Anderson. I lose myself a bit right there. And so, there you have it... You know why I called you here?"

"No, sir."

"Good. Two months have passed, and you done exceptionally well for a recruit that trained in OCS and boot camp. It was hard to believe, but you are one of the first person that actually passed my expectation. Guessed Milton was right about you after all... still, that doesn't make you perfect." Stanley flashed him satisfying smile for no reason. Yuuji had no idea why he did it, but that must have some deep meaning to it.

"Milton also know about this too. Oh no, he was keen on of receiving this new, like everything was part of his plan from the very start. So –" Stanley stopped for a second, knowing that if he announced this new in front of him. Everything will change from now on. But, he must fulfill his work and orders from the fleet admiral. "It come to our attention for all the work... We decided to promote you to the rank of Commander. Congratulation... Commander Anderson."

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