Chapter 15.5: Virtual Reality World

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Yuuji arrived at the bustling mess deck. Some people were eating in peace, but most of them were gathered around in a big group in the middle of the room. It was loud and they appeared to be fighting over something from within. As soon as he walked up to the outer skirt, the first line of defense immediately dispersed when they sensed an intimidating and high status presence behind them. Gradually, they cleared a way for him toward the cause of the commotion.

Apparently, sitting in the middle of the group, Rosalind was fiddling with a helmet with tactical visor large enough to cover the whole eyes. The design of the helmet was weird with various wire attached to some sleep chairs. In whole, it not your normal everyday helmet for safety but more like for entertainment purposes.

Seeing that Tim already standing next to him, he asked, "Hey, Tim... what's she doing anyway?"

Noticing his friend was right beside him, Tim greeted him, "Ay, hey... Dude, you can't believe what Rosalind brought to us today? A full set VR system, and the boys a bit energetic because it been so long since they had this kind of entertainment when the voyage started."

Well, it's not that surprising for Rosalind to produce a adequate VR system by herself on this ship with minimum resources. VR was something a revolutionary tech development and topics over the past few decades, and it almost come to a perfection. Mostly in video game and real life simulation... Yuuji couldn't imagined VR has come a long way from just standing in one room and waving at nothing while wearing a big old visor... to stimulating a brain consciousness and insert it into a game or simulation. In summary, putting your body in a different virtual reality world.

Much like one of those movie and anime how they depicted VR system... it was becoming a reality by the year of 2026. 

(*cough* SAO *cough*)

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Rosalind then look up after she finished tinkering with the helmet, "Oh, Yuuji! I'm so glad that you made it. I'm about to call you down to be my first test subject for my system."

"Me? What are you? A game and software developer?" Yuuji smirked... but he was a huge nerd in the past anyway. Deep inside he really wanted to try out the VR system. Not to mention, he owned one back at his old house.

"Oui. Part time software developer, and full time engineer... Anyway, you are not the only one joining in the simulation though." She pointed at the remaining seat, and it was already occupied. Surprisingly, Heather, Vasiliev, Kurokawa, Tim, and David already in settling comfortably into their spot. Rosalind continued, "There was some kind of bet and now they here. Of course, there are other people volunteered for the the first trial but seat are limited."

"Sure... it doesn't hurt if I try out the simulation for bit." Yuuji grabbed the helmet calmly, but as a matter of fact, he was shaking from excitement.

"Oh, one other thing, there will be some criteria for you to clear if you want to exit the game or move onto the next simulation. Of course, I would be monitoring over the system so you guys would be relatively okay."

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