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There was no establishment with neither the satellite network nor any radio frequency beside their alone

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There was no establishment with neither the satellite network nor any radio frequency beside their alone. They can only identified targets as far as their radar can see. They thought they were in some sort of a blind spot back in Earth where satellite couldn't reach them. Even Rosalind tried her best with her hacking to search for a path, but there was essentially no connection. As a matter of fact, civilization with some sort electronics was basically none existence.

Where in the world they had landed?

"Alright Rosalind, tell me what are the possibilities?" Yuuji spoke with her.

"One: we could be in a location where we can't establish a good connection with the satellite. Two: there might be some EMP attack that might fried most of the electronics around Earth. Three and this would be far worst one: we might end some place that is not Earth."

"At least CIC reporting everything green across the board, except they getting nothing from the satellite. Without it, we basically in the blind and sailing nowhere. Maybe we should wait for nightfall, it might be a good time to use the stars to locate our approximate location."

"Sir, we got a problem." Miller sounded off.

"What is it?" Yuuji asked since they literally in the middle of nowhere, so how come there's a problem?

"CIC reporting that they're picking a massive heat signature 50 meters below the sea level. Sonar also identifying it's very massive and making quite a racket down there."


"No sir, they confirmed that the frequency was something that was never heard before, and never recorded in our data."

All of the sudden, the bridge radio came to live as they could heard Ourboros' voice literally screaming through it, but it appeared they haven't got a good line established yet so there was a fair amount of statics, "ANDERSON.... TH... something massive coming... for you... right now. Chan... course... you.... collision course... it. Do you copy?"

"Repeat your last, Cpt. Ourboros? We didn't get you." Miller answered the radio.

"Your squadron is on a collision course with a massive object that our sonar managed to pick up -"

Before Ourboros could finished his explanation, the radio connection was severed by a breeze rumble to the ship. It not as strong as getting smashed point blank range by a nuclear explosion shockwave, it was more like a direct physical touch of something sweeping against the hull of the Sumter. It knocked most personal of their balance and forced them to grab hold of something stationary. The metal creak scarily and there was a moment of silence as they took in the situation.

Next thing they knew was a column of water shot upward out of nowhere, and something very menacing appeared from it. A freaking reptilian head of some sort looking angrily at the largest ship in the formation, the Missouri. Taking a closer look, Yuuji realized something... Since he been a big fan of fantasy world based story, he knew exactly what that thing was.

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