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Hello, everybody, I'm back once again with a fanfiction requested by LadyCaesar called "Everyone hates the Scene Kids" by AriElaine. Without further ado, let's get started!

Not even a few sentences in and we've already got the worst of fanfiction tropes

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Not even a few sentences in and we've already got the worst of fanfiction tropes. Abusive parent who's more hammily evil than Cruella de Vil, only one person who supports them and is the only person they care about, age around preteen-teenager. TvTropes would be laughing at how cliche you are!

I'm just going to assume that Black Veil Brides is an okay rock band who have an obsessive fanbase that make it seem all gritty and pandering, when really they just have a slightly darker theme

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I'm just going to assume that Black Veil Brides is an okay rock band who have an obsessive fanbase that make it seem all gritty and pandering, when really they just have a slightly darker theme. Just like how most goth and punk bands end up!
Why would you sass your abusive father, isn't sassiness the worst thing to have when your the victim of an abusive relationship? Or was being 'cool and relatable' more important?
Another thing, did his slaps not leave a mark on her face that everyone would see, and notice, oh I don't know, she looked out of breath considering she had to walk to school after she got kicked in the ribs!

 Just like how most goth and punk bands end up! Why would you sass your abusive father, isn't sassiness the worst thing to have when your the victim of an abusive relationship? Or was being 'cool and relatable' more important?Another thing, did hi...

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Boy, you sure did pic yours friends well, Makaela. You finally tell your best friend your parent is abusing you and he threatens to hurt you, I can see why you two were such good friends!
Actually, now that I think about it, why didn't you try to get help from the police or school? Hell, why not call the Child Protection Service yourself, or did your father use his magic power of potatoes to stop you?

Bad FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora