A quckie

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Hello, everyone! I'm back one again for a quick little review before I do the 1k view Fanfiction. This one is ( clearly) a crack-fic made by a friend of mine, NacaratJester ! Normally, these wouldn't be anywhere near a place like this, but Nacarat himself has stated that this is the worst thing he's ever written so we might as well read it!

 This one is ( clearly) a crack-fic made by a friend of mine, NacaratJester ! Normally, these wouldn't be anywhere near a place like this, but Nacarat himself has stated that this is the worst thing he's ever written so we might as well read it!

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Welp, there's your warning, folks. If you hadn't already run away, now's your last chance.

 If you hadn't already run away, now's your last chance

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So far the parent's are my favorite characters.
Also, nice reference.

I'm automatically taking point's off for the parents being dumb enough to give an emotional teenager a knife, that's just asking for trouble

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I'm automatically taking point's off for the parents being dumb enough to give an emotional teenager a knife, that's just asking for trouble.
Man, I feel bad for those arms, they've had to deal with so much bullshit.

 Man, I feel bad for those arms, they've had to deal with so much bullshit

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Bad FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora