Yellow Paint

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A short poem/ story written by me!!🎨"Yellow Paint"🎨

Yellow paint. A blissfull, radient, content, bright and sunny dream...but in the end its just a sorrowfull, forlorn, crestfallen, heartbroken, wretched, blue, woefull, dejected, miserable and downcast life.
Van Gogh. He, a painter. An artist sculpting his craft, famous. Talent woven through his fingers, his hand and his mind creating and visioning prodigious images and streaming them onto plain white canvases using paint. Yellow paint because of its bright beauty. His drug. His addiction. Yes, he, Van Gogh an inspiration
and an icon ate yellow paint. Out the tube and from the bristled brush, into his system. He became happier. He's just like us...drinking our souls away with alcohol, drugs wine, razor blades and staying with our cheating partners, allowing them to take advantage of us and our bodies as we silently swallow our protests. We are all guilty of it and we are deliberately searching for ways to bring joy and happiness into our life by forgetting. Forgetting that we are worth something and that we can do something. We all have our ambitions and talents like Van Gogh did. Every bad decision we made in our life was our yellow paint, consumed as it damaged us and ruined us a people, as human beings with a purpose to live. We are wasting our life, our time, our skin. We need to do something to make this all better. We need to work together. You all need to listen before its too late. Before you lose someone that was once exited for the next day. Throw away your yellow paint and unite...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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Yellow Paint // original poem by J.A.P (31-5-17)Where stories live. Discover now