Chapter 13

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Arcee hugged herself as she stared at the wall, her spark chamber had stopped hurting now. She tried to think of what could have caused it, "Come, let's go to Med Bay and get you checked out," Megatron said as he started to walk out of the room. With a sigh, she followed after Megatron. They reached Med Bay and Megatron instructed Knock Out to take a look at Arcee. He scans her over, "So, what is causing the pain?" Megatron asked in concern.

"I don't know, my lord. Nothing's showing up on the scanner. But my guess would be it has something to do with the Dark Energon."

"Are you saying that the Dark Energon is attacking her spark?"

"I can't say as I'm not completely sure."

Megatron looked to Arcee who sat up and stared at the wall, "Let's get you back to the room." Arcee jumped off the berth and followed Megatron back to the room, "Can I get you anything?" He asked as they entered his room. She hadn't said a word for a while, not even a sassy remark.

"No, I'm fine."

Before Megatron could say or do anything else he grabbed at his helm as it started hurting. Arcee's​ optics widened in shock, unsure of what to do for a moment. Shaking her helm she took this opportunity and ran out of the room. She had to try to get away. Megatron tried to follow suit but his helm was hurting too much. 

Arcee didn't get far before she ran into Soundwave who stopped her. He wrapped his tentacles around her arms and took her back to the room. Arcee struggled against the appendages but with no success. Megatron looked up and saw the two coming into the room, "Thanks, Soundwave," he said as the ache in his helm started to subside.

"Yeah, thanks, Soundwave," Arcee muttered sarcastically.

Soundwave brought up something on the screen to inquire about Megatron's well-being, "I'll be fine, Soundwave, just a helmache."

I wish it were more than a helmache. Arcee thought bitterly as Soundwave put her on the berth.

Megatron stands up and looks at her, "Did you really think you could escape the ship while I was down? There will always be one of the others to stop you, mainly Soundwave, nothing gets past him."

"It never hurts to try," she huffed as she glared at the wall.

"Leave us, Soundwave."

Soundwave left the room with a nod, closing the door behind him, "Did you forget that if you get too far from me, you will die?"

"No, and I don't care. If I can't be with Wheeljack then I would rather be dead than be your mate for another second," she growled.

With a growl,  he grabs her with one servo and slams her down on the berth, "I'll never let you go and I'll never let him have you!" He growled as he got onto the berth and hovered over her.

Wincing when he slammed her on the berth she glared up at him, lubricant threatening to escape at any moment, "What is it about me that you are so obsessed with?! Why can't you get it through that thick processor of yours that I don't have feelings for you?"

Megatron glared down at her, "I don't know why you're the one I became so obsessed and in love with, there's just something about you that captured my spark and made me decide to have you as my mate."

"Well, I don't love you, especially since you killed my father."

"I'm sure I'll find a way to make you love me."

Arcee didn't say anything as she glared at him. Megatron removed his servo from around her waist and he pressed his body against hers to keep her pinned down, he grabbed her helm to hold it in place as he kissed her. Arcee closed her optics while he did so, she did not want to look at the warlord. She had to keep hope that Wheeljack would come for her, to get her off this ship and away from Megatron. He started kissing her down her neck to her shoulder, he was determined to keep her no matter what.

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