Imagine #6

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•heya friend. this'll be Jeff before he went insane. Okay? Okay.•

Trying Something
Bully Jeff X Suicidal Reader

"Love you sweetheart." Your father murmured, dying. You sobbed, and your mother dragged you away, cursing to herself. But you could hear her fine. You look up at her, sobbing quietly. She never liked you, and you knew that. You didn't want ot be left with a woman who never did love you and probably never will.

"You're fucking insane!" Your mother growled. You laughed prancing around your house. Your mother called someone and you were drugged and taken away from your supposed home.

You laughed, shaking the bars as people passed by. You screamed and they shushed you. You glared at them. "Fuck you." Their eyes widen and then they walk up to you. "What did you just say to me bitch?" You shrugged. "Oh, nothing really." You kicked them in the face and they shouted. You laughed. Guards come up and drag you away. "I will destroy you." You laughed like a maniac.

You now were back at school, and everyone looked at your outfits as if you were insane. You look around and sigh. Everyone also thought you were emo. But who was to say you were? Nobody. People tried to stay as far away as possible. You rub your arm, trying not to hiss in pain. "Fuck." You said, as Jeff walked up. "What are you doing back here?" He said, his brown hair falling in his eyes. You could feel the tears begin to sting at your eyes, but you weren't afraid of the man himself. You were afraid of what he could try. "Oh you know. To learn. I guess..."
He rolled his eyes. "Did I ask you to get smart with me?" He questions, leaning towards you.
"No, but I do come to school to be smart." You said casually. You didn't really know why you had said that to him. "True."

You were in class, but Jeff sat next to you. Or Jeffrey. You called him Jeff, he didn't mind. He didn't care at all actually. You sighed, changing the song to a different one. You look at Jeff through the corner of your eye. You see him doodling him being bullied by a couple of boys. They also looked familiar. You looked to your left then back at the teacher. You saw the boys who had bullied Jeff. And who knew that he'd probably become insane some day. You tapped your fingers, shaking your knee. You were anxious and couldn't hold still. You hear the quiet pen clicks. You bit your lip in sheer annoyance. You hear the bell ring and the teacher tells you to pack up. You quickly did so, and hear Jeff following close behind as you walked out of the school. You looked at him. "Why are you following me?" You asked, curious on why your bully followed. You. "I-I" he gulped nervousness evident in his voice. You raised a brow. "I love you." You gasped, almost falling. You tripped over a rock and Jeff had caught you, smiling softly. "Sorry." He said, his blue eyes shining in a mischievous manner.

You rubbed your head, standing up. You felt an itch on your arm and you nervously lifted up your sleeve and began to scratch it. Jeff grabbed your wrist and you gasped, being yanked forward. You shiver at the coldness of the outer world. You were only wearing a long sleeved shirt. You pulled up your pants, because they had begun to fall off of your skinny, (probably anorexic) frail body. "I love you too." You murmured softly. He picked you up and you shrieked grasping onto his shoulders. "Don't drop me." You said, hitting him softly on the chest. "I'll try." He ran to his house and you held on to him for dear life. "Nobody's home right now. It's just you and me." He murmured. You blushed. You wouldn't expect that from someone who bullied you. It was also the middle of winter. So you were shivering quite a bit. You had arrived into his room and you climbed onto his bed. He walked over to you, grabbing you by the hips and smashed his lips onto yours. You rubbed against him with your hips and he groaned into your mouth. You intertwined your fingers in his hair and he held you by the waist, and groaned softly once more. You sighed, pulling back. You began to take of his hoodie and he slid his hands under your shirt. You feel one his hands intertwining with yours and you looked down, smiling. He unclasped your bra, and threw it across his room. You gasped. You feel him begin to lift your shirt up. You smiled again and you helped him. You took his hoodie off and felt his abs. For a scrawny looking boy, he was actually pretty muscular. But not too muscular.  You began to pull his jeans down, but he had already gotten yours off. He pulled them all the way down, sticking his middle finger into your clit. You gasped quietly, and he shoved two more into you, making you cry out. "Jeff!" You said, gripping onto his arm. He hummed, beginning to pull your panties down. You blushed, and he took his fingers out as you were about to orgasm. You groaned and he put a finger to your lip. "Ssh princess. I'll get to it. Don't worry." He winked. He groped your breast and he pulled down his pants. He had a large tent in his boxers. You see him smirk and you look up at him. "Care to do the honors, princess?" He mumbled. "Sure." You shrugged. You pulled down his boxers, and his 7 inch member popped out at you. You look at him and he seemed to just be looking at you. You bit your lip, spitting onto his dick. You wrapped your hand around his shaft and put your lips around him. You began to bob your head, and he groaned, putting his hands through your hair. He grasped onto a part of your hair and groaned loudly. He made you go deeper, and when he was about to come, you pull back. He grunts, shoving you down onto the bed. Your back was to him. He shoved his seven inch dick into you and you cried out in pain and pleasure. "Jeff!!" He rubbed your back and you sighed. "Ready now princess?" You nod. He began to go, grunting into your ear quietly. You moaned and groaned as he began to leave hickeys on your
clavicular region. You feel him begin to speed up and you clutched onto the bed sheets. "Jeff!" You feel a knot in your stomach and you came on him. You sighed and got up, pushing him to the bed this time. He held you by the waist, smirking. You began to bounce on him, smirking also. You bounce on him really fast, after a while, feeling another knot, and you cried out, "fuck!! I'm coming!" And you orgasm onto him and he came inside of you grunting.
You collapsed on top of Jeff and you slid his hoodie onto your body, shaking violently. "That was fun. We should do it again some time." Jeff murmured. You laughed, clutching your stomach. "It hurts so bad. You groaned. He held you, murmuring sweet nothings to you. You smiled, putting a hand on his face. "I love you so much, Jeff." He yawned. "Love 'ya too. Beautiful."

-Extra ;)-

And after that, he had gone missing. And you were left there, a dead child and god knows wherever Jeff went. You sobbed, wondering where Jeff could have gone. You began to be suicidal again. You stare at the razor, you sighed. Why didn't you just end it all that day? Was it because he actually did love you? If he loved you, why would he have left. You see a news report about a recent death. It was your friend. You sighed, stirring your coffee, running a hand through your hair. "A said killer, known as Jeff The Killer is going around and murdering people. We have yet to-" you turned it off, rubbing your temples. You've heard too much of it. You were sick of it. You began to cry, holding your head in your hands. You hear thunder and you groaned. You hear a tornado warning and you furrowed your brows, getting stuff and quickly jogging to the basement. You grabbed your radio and important things and quickly ran to the fallout shelter. It was safer than your basement. You opened the door, and who you least expected it to be. Jeff. Jeffrey Woods. You smiled. "Good to see you again. But I suppose you don't remember much, do you?" He looked at you, his eyelids wide open. "I see. You've changed quite a bit, since then." He laughed. It was different laugh than before. It was more, insane. "Well, there's a tornado outside. Want anything?" He shrugged. "Anything." You quickly got a big blanket and threw on the hoodie he let you have. You handed him a soda, and you began to play a movie on your laptop because you had brought some CD's with you. "What're we watching?" He asked, sitting next to you. "The Exorcist." He nods. He sat at the edge of the couch, and you at the other. You felt him start to move closer but you had paid no mind to it. You turned to look at him, but he was right in your face. "So, I've heard you've been cutting again?" He murmured. You sighed. "Y-yeah." You stutter. He kissed you. "I love you, beautiful." You blush. "Love you too. Jeff."

•jfc that's longer than I'm used to doing (not really) but, I finally go it done. It took quite sometime. But here it is. Be happy I did this. I'll be updating less since I'm starting school again on Monday. Hooray for me. Well, that's all for now, bye bye!•

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