Life Changes

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Math is my first period class.

I sit alone at the back table.

No I'm not "socially outcasted" or anything.

You see in my math class we sit in groups of two.

Unfortunately, our class has an uneven 23 students.

And even more unfortunately for me, I happened to not be here the day we chose partners.

So I'm stuck alone at the back table.

Except that won't last.

When I walk into class my eyes are immediately drawn to the new color in our room. This color is an alarming bubble gum shade of pink. This color is coming from my desk.

This color is sitting on top of a boy who Ive never seen before's head.

Ok so there's a boy that Ive never seen before sitting at my desk. Completely normal. For a few seconds I just stand in the door looking at the kid with the bubble gum colored hair.

Eventually I decide he must just be a new kid so I go ahead and sit down next to him. As I sit the boy doesn't even seem to notice my presence. He's just staring down and playing with the bottom of his shirt.

Well if he isn't going to acknowledge my existence then I won't acknowledge his.

I face the front where Mr. T is finally trying to quiet down the class.

"Ok kids it's time to stop talking school has begun!" He looks in my direction, "we have a new student today."

The boy next to me finally looks up and I get a glimpse of his face. This is when I notice how attractive the boy with the bubble gum hair is.

Mr. T speaks again, now pointing at the boy next to me, "this is Joshua. Do you want to say anything to the class?"

He looks like he desperately does not want to say anything to the class. However, he opens his mouth anyway, stuttering the whole way through, "um, y-you can, um, you can j-just call me j-josh I guess. Um, I d-don't really uh, have anything else to say."

And he's done talking.

I don't hear Josh talk again until the end of 3rd period when we both happen to have science together. We end up being assigned partners for a science fair.

"So um, hi, I'm Tyler"


We have 5 minutes to brainstorm ideas before the end of class.

"Do you have any ideas?" I ask

Josh thought for a minute, "no not really anything good"

"I mean we could always go for the trusty old paper mache volcano but something tells me that's not what the teachers are looking for"

Josh smiles which makes me smile.

I speak again, "the bell is about to ring. Do you want to stop by my house after school to work on it?"

"U-um, yea I guess."

"Cool, I have basketball practice after school until 3 but if you want to stick around until that's over we can walk together. Meet me at the main door around 3."

"Ok I'll see you there."

The bell rings.

My life changes without me even knowing.

Sorry the chapter is short I just needed to get something posted. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be done but soon hopefully.


Bubblegum Hair and Basket Ball BoyWhere stories live. Discover now