#5: I Need an Explanation.

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I tried to make him happy, trust me, I did. I knew the consequences, I knew dating an idol would be the death of me. I just knew that but, somehow, I thought things would be different, you almost beg for it to be different. I tried everything there was to know about child care, I became the best mother. I did and that didn't seem to work for him either. How could someone not want that in a woman? How much more appealing could I be? I could have cheated, like he did. I could have slept with Jungkook that night. I could of just let him. But, I didn't. I had a marriage to save but, it seemed like there was nothing much to save.

"Mrs. Park?" The secretary called my name and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous or sad about what I was going to do. This went against everything I tried too hard to do. But, enough was enough and this isn't going to help anyone but me. I'm doing this for me and for my children. I raised my hand, she nodded and motioned for me to follow her into an office.  

"Have a seat. He'll be right with you." She left, her heels clicking behind her.

I wanted to make a run for it at that point, I wanted to scream and I don't know maybe a sign somewhere that this was wrong and that I still had something to save after all this time. Is there anything I could save?

As soon as my thought finished, the door opened. "Good morning," I felt his heavy presence.

I bowed. "Good morning," I managed to croak out.

He sighed sitting down on his chair, "Sorry, meeting ran a bit long. What can I do for you?" He smiled handsomely, two dimples managing to peak out from his cheeks. He signaled his hand for me to take a seat across from him.

I sat down slowly, contemplating if my legs were going to give up on me or not. I took a very deep breath before I answered. "I want to get a divorce."

His eyebrows furrowed, "Does uh, your husband know about this?"

I shook my head.

He cleared his throat and logged onto his computer. "Well, can I know the reason why? I have to fill out forms for it, that's why."

I nodded and took a deep breath. "Can't we just say differences?"

He chuckled, "That's only for press. This is a law office, I have to know any type of detail there is."

I sighed, "That's fine then. What do you need to know?" I hugged my purse tighter.

"Mmm, let's start from the beginning." "Do you two have children?" I nodded. "How many?" "Two, twins." "Custody?" "Me. At least that's what I want." "Does he agree to this?" "I'm not sure." "Okay we can just put undeclared, no worries. But, this is something that must be fought over in court. Is there any reason at all that he would be unfit to be a father or caretaker of your children?" I sighed, "Ah, he's never taken care of them a day in his life. Ever since I gave birth, he has never touched them or even checked on them to make sure they were still breathing." He nodded approvingly, typing away. "Does he pay for doctor visits?"

"I literally, just said-"He smiled disapprovingly, "I know what you said, it's just that, that matters. Anything he pays for, it counts as him being a father, I guess. It looks good on him. And, I'm guessing you don't want him to look good, right?"

I frowned, "Right."

He sighed, "Are you okay? You don't have to do all of this now, we can do this in progressively, you know. Many women come to me thinking that they can do this and later don't want to. Or the husband changes his mind and they have this whole dispute and they end up admitting how much they love each other and so on, if this is not what you want or if this is what you want we can find out.. let's say once a week. You can come and we'll figure this out. You seem nervous?"

I nodded, "It's not every day you get divorced, you know."

He reached out and touched my arm, "Look, this isn't going to be easy. He's an idol. This could get really messy really fast. He's an international superstar, fans all over will be after you."

I laughed bitterly, "So you do know me then."

He shrugged, "Of course, I do. Everyone does. For the sake of the client, I pretend I don't."

"I never explained how I got sick, did I?" 

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