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The camp had changed drastically from the last time I'd seen it, which had been on the very hill I stood on now.

The cabins had increased in numbers and varied from sizes. The Dining Pavilion had been taken down and turned into a Mess Hall. Besides those two major details, everything looked the same.

"This way. The gods have prepared a cabin for you." Poseidons kid said and started down the small descent of the hill.

The other demigods followed after them, as did Nyssa and Maximos, but as I placed my foot infront of me to step forwards, the air rippled golden and I was denied access into the valley.

"Dammit!" I shouted and placed my hand on the forcefield. I pushed, but to no avail. Growing agitated, I pushed with both hands and occasionally kicked the stupid thing, only for my blows to bounce off harmlessly.

"What's taking you so long?" Nyssa shouted at me.

"I will join you in a moment." I called down to her and they continued walking downwards.

I turned and took off to the Pine that protected this puny place.

Landon was curled around the trunk of Thalias Pine, the fleece that I had risked my life for glistening above his head. I sat besides him, seeing as he was on my side of the boundary, and gingerly placed my hand on his snout.

Landons head snapped up and fire came at me. When it cleared, I was perfectly fine. The dragon examined me. I glanced around the small clearing we were in, and found nothing, so I lowered my hood and Landons figure relaxed. He rested his head on my lap and I stroked the many sharp scales of his body. Smoke billowed from his nostrils and made intricate patterns in the air- calming me slightly.

"I haven't seen him like that in years." A familiar voice said and Rachel Dare stepped into the clearing. "How've you been?"

Rachel's POV

I was sitting in my cave, minding my own business when I felt a disturbance in the air. Someone was trying to get over the border line. My immediate reaction should've been signalling Chiron, but I pushed the logical part of me aside and stepped out into the sunlight.

I followed the disturbances, when they suddenly stopped. Landon blasted fire somewhere off in the distance and I made my way to where the smoke was rising into the air.

Landons body was wrapped around the trunk of the enchanted Pine with his head resting on the lap of a white-cloaked figure.

My vision tinted green for a moment, and I saw the face of one of my closest friends. A memory from the past. He had his had on Landons head and smiling up at me as we shared stupid jokes.

Now, he was in the same position, stroking the dragons scales. Except, his face was harsh and cold, a smile nowhere to be seen. His hair was longer and there was a long scar over his left eye.

"I haven't seen him like that in years. How've you been?" I stepped into the clearing and stood before him. Percy looked up at me with an emotionless face.

"I've been better." His voice was almost as cold as his eyes. The usual cheery tone to it gone. The sound that used to strike hope into the hearts of his allies was nowhere to be heard.

"I can tell." I replied and took a seat on the flat rock from my earlier vision.

He was quiet as he gave me a once over, his eyes staying on the blue hairbrush in my hand for a second longer.

"Why haven't you gone in?" I asked and he looked into my eyes.

"I can't get through." He confessed. I raised an eyebrow and he slowly put his hand out behind him, only for it to be stopped by the barrier of the camp.

"Percy-" I breathed and his eyes filled with anger.

"That is not my name. He's dead. They killed him." He said rather harshly.

I stayed quiet, examining his every feature, down to the freckles splashed across the bridge of his nose.

"Would you like to get in?"

"I kinda have too, don't I?" He replied, a small hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Yes. Now tell me, would you like to get in?"

He sighed. "Yes. I would."

"I, Rachel Elizabeth Dare- Oracle of Delphi, grant Perseus Jackson access to the valley of Camp Half-Blood." The borderline shimmered golden and Percy swiped his hand out behind him, nothing stopping him this time.

"I can only do that once, so you owe me." I said to his and stood up, dusting the dirt from my paint-covered jeans.

He got up and stood with one hand on Thalias tree and staring down at the valley with hate-filled eyes. I heard a faint rumble of thunder- which made no sense since it was clear overhead.

"The last time I was here, I was being chased by the gods. I wanted to tear this place down brick by brick." He explained.

I couldn't stop the cold feeling from running through my body as he marched down the hill, flicking his hood up, and said lowly to himself,

"I still do."

What happened to him?

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