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...Planet 37 - Galaxy 6...

The escapee ran as fast as his legs could take him. He would not go back there, even if it meant death. He thought it was completely unnecessary for them to be sent after him aswell- he already had enough problems to deal with.

Someone laughed above him and the tip of an arrow pierced through his shoulder, before a great tug and he was yanked into the air by his shoulder.

Unvelievable... he thought as the cargo door opened and he was thrown against the floor.

Numerous weapons were pointed at him; spears, arrows, daggers, swords, and a whip.

"Theseus Daniels." The voice of their commander said. "You are under arrest for treason against your squadron, escaping custody, fleeing to Earth, manslaughter, theft, and stealing Maximos' snickers bar."

The weilder of the spear intensified his glare.

"For this, you will face the judgement of her majesty, where she will decided either of your fates; imprisonment or banishment." The commander stated.

"Why don't you just kill me yourselves? I know you want too." Theseus shouted. "Do it! Kill me!"

A smirk graced Anakulos' features as he shared a look with his comrades. "Now where's the fun in that?"

The ship lurched forwards in a burst of speed and broke through the Barrier as Nyssa let loose another arrow that pierced Theseus' shoulder and pinned him against the wall, where he would sit until they reached Chaos' palace.

For the now, Theseus would sit against the wall in agony, contemplating wether his decision thirty years ago was really worth all the trouble he would be put through.

And he smiled to himself.
It definitely was.

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