Chapter 4

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I hadn't expected to see Farren like that. Okay, I probably should have expected it since Levi had told me they'd be arriving in like four hours or something. But after feeding the horses and drinking my beer, I had forgotten all about it. Then Candy – or was it Cady? – came along and things got heated. But how could I have expected her to appear outside the horse stables when she did. It was pure coincidence. I swear.

She had changed completely. She didn't look like the plump, innocent kid she used to be. She had grown up...and in a very good way. She had curves in all the right places but was pretty skinny everywhere else. Her legs were long and her high heels just made her legs hotter. Her hair had grown far longer than I had ever expected but it was the same color as it had always been – pale blonde. Not to mention her beautiful baby blues which held shock and sadness when she saw me exit after Candy or Cady or whatever. It's not like I had any reason to remember her name.

I first instinct was to follow after her when she spun around and ran back toward the house but I stopped myself before I could break into a run and planted my feet into the mud path. What was I supposed to say to her? How was I supposed to explain that? Why did I have to explain it anyway? It wasn't like she was my girlfriend or something. That was precisely why I didn't get into relationships. Too much drama.

Several minutes later, Levi appeared in the backyard, looking around as if he was searching for something or someone – which was probably me. It took him several seconds to spot me on the wooden fence around the horse arena.

"Did you meet Farren?" he asked me as I hopped off the fence and started toward him.

"Meet is kind of a stretch," I smirked. "I didn't talk to her, if that's what you're asking but yes, we saw each other."

Levi looked at me, confused until realization dawned on him. "She didn't walk in on you opening shagging a girl, did she?" he demanded.

"Firstly, I wasn't opening shagging her," he pointed out. "We were in the stables and no, she didn't walk into anything. She may have seen the girl leave though...maybe got flashed with her britches."

"Oh my God! Rush!" he exclaimed. "What is wrong with you?! She hasn't even been here for an hour!"

"That's her fault for wandering around," I shrugged and I could feel the heat of his anger radiate off of him but I knew he wouldn't throw a punch at me. He didn't have it in him.

"It's your fault for doing it out in the open," he said through gritted teeth. "Get a room next time."

"You can even say it. Sex. It's not a bad word," I knew he hated when I belittled him but he was making a big deal out of a girl we hadn't seen in four years. "I'm sure the citified girl knows the word, too. I mean, look at her. She's probably done it-" I knew it was a low blow.

Farren had always been too innocent to even think about kissing a boy. She had grown up, that was for sure and I probably didn't know the girl she was now but Levi still wanted to believe that she was still the same innocent little kid.

"Don't even." He turned around and headed back inside, his anger visible in his stride.

It didn't take much to make him fly off the handle. He really did get angry whenever it came to Farren. Could he be any more obvious about his feelings for her? I would never leave my feelings out on display the way he did.

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