Chapter 14

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  Into my fourth week of my summer break, I woke up to the sound of four guys singing 'Happy Birthday' as they barged into my bedroom in the morning. Groaning, I flopped onto my stomach, face-first into my pillow and covered my head with my sheets.

"Wake up, princess," Wes cooed near my ear. "It's you're birthday. You're finally an adult."

"Can we do this later?" I groaned into my pillow.

"Do you want me to pull the covers off?" he asked.

"Do the four of you want to see my underwear?" I retorted and he scoffed uncomfortably.

"Do I dare to say yes?" Micah joked and I almost got up just to smack him.

No one knew that he had already seen me in my lingerie and I planned on keeping it that way. Well, Micah also happened to be the only one who knew I swam in the lake almost every day. He even joined me sometimes. The lake had turned out to be my safe haven – a place I went to when I needed to think. As funny as it seemed, I felt like I could breathe better underwater than on solid ground with everyone else. But I knew none of the guys would understand my feelings so I kept my mouth shut.

"Can you guys go downstairs so I can freshen up?" I asked without lifting my face. No doubt I had drool marks.

"Fine, hurry up," Wes told me and I heard them shuffle out of the room. "Micah-"

"Sheesh, I'm coming," I could almost hear him roll his eyes as he followed them out.

I quickly got out of bed, showered, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair and did my make-up. I was in my lingerie, wrapped in a towel as I searched for clothes to wear when my door flew open. I gasped and held onto my towel for dear life.

"Micah, you scared the shit out of me," I collapsed onto the floor in front of my cupboard.

He chuckled as he shut the door. "Maybe you should lock it," he suggested and then paused. "Oh, it doesn't have one."

"Do you mind?" I asked, looking down at my towel. "I said I'd be down soon."

"I snuck away from the power-puffs because I wanted to wish you first," he grinned.

"Maybe when I'm less naked?" I suggested and he rolled his eyes.

"Like I haven't seen you in your britches," he joined me on the floor and pulled me into a hug. "Happy birthday, babe."

"Thanks even though this is slightly awkward," I laughed nervously.

"Can I make a clothing suggestion?" he asked. "Wear something fancy. We're taking you out to lunch. It was supposed to be a secret but you're my best bitch so I'm giving you a heads up. Act surprised."

And with that, he exited my room, shutting the door softly behind him. I smiled at the door, wondering how I had managed to make such a good friend this summer. Maybe it was the rainbow after the rain – rain being Monique and Tucker.

With Micah's suggestion, I dug into my cupboard to find something cute to wear. Smiling, I pulled out a dress I had begged Wes to buy for me. I hadn't worn it yet because I had been waiting for a special occasion. I put on the baby pink dress and looked at myself in the mirror. It was a pink skater dress which was completely backless, except for a tiny bow to tie right under my shoulder blades – which I couldn't tie myself.

I opened the door and stuck my head out. I was about to call for someone when I noticed that Micah was leaning against the wall, playing a game on his phone.

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