Chapter 30

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Needless to say, the car ride to The Honky Tonk (yes, that was the name of the pub or whatever it was) and it was uncomfortable for me since Rush was driving and Wes sat in front, him being the next oldest and all. I sat between Levi and Micah, Levi who was talking to Wes about culinary school and Micah who was staring out of the car, bobbing his head to the music as if he was starring in a sad love song.

When we got to The Honky Tonk, Rush parked his truck amongst the other various sizes of trucks that filled the parking lot. I could hear the loud thumping of the music beats as I got out of the car and a smile lit up everyone's face, except Micah's. Had he felt like we had forced him to come out tonight or was it just because of our fight?

"Come on, let's go," Rush threw his arm around my shoulder. "I could use a cold one."

"I could use more than one," Wes joined in and we all started toward the entrance.

There was a slightly larger than needed bouncer at the front and I wondered whether they had prepared for the fact that I was underage. But as soon as the bouncer saw us, he nodded at Rush and held the door open for us.

"What the hell? You're friends with bouncers, now?" I asked in a hushed voice.

"I have friends everything, sweet thang," Rush winked at me and my cheeks flushed pink as I looked away. "Wes and I will go get the drinks from the bar. You guys find a place to sit."

He tapped my butt, giving me a push in the direction of the tables.

When we found an empty booth for ourselves, Levi got in on one side and Micah got in on the other, both of them scooting inside. I locked eyes with Levi and he nodded in Micah's direction, like he was trying to tell me to sit next to him and talk to him. Sighing, I got into Micah's side, scooting close enough to him so he would be able to hear me over the music. It was better if I sorted things out with him before Rush came back.

"Are we not going to talk?" I asked him and his eyes flickered to mine.

"I think I should be asking you that, right?" he asked and my hands started to sweat when I realized that I had been the one who disconnected the call and also the one who had avoided his phone calls and ignored his messages all day.

"I'm sorry, okay?" I sighed. "I was stupid. I just didn't expect you to say that-"

"Well, Farren, you're not always going to hear what you want to hear," he retorted. "Sometimes you need to listen to the truth."

"And what's the truth, Mic?" I asked, staring at my hands in my lap.

I had been avoiding my feelings and my thoughts. I wanted to hear that Rush would be okay after Levi tells him everything and maybe that was why I hadn't reminded him or Wes that it was time to tell him the truth. Maybe that was why I had avoided Micah, too. Not because I was mad at him for what he had said but because I hadn't wanted to hear him assure me that there was a chance Rush would leave me.

"The truth is," Micah placed his hand over mine and gave it a squeeze. "You deserve the world, Farren. You're beautiful and sweet and innocent and deserve love and if he can't see that or give it to you then he doesn't deserve you."

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. It was sweet to hear those words come out of Micah's mouth but I also wished that Rush would surprise us all and believe in me. But was I asking for too much?

Micah leaned in and kissed the side of my head, making my heart skip a beat before quickly moving his hand and when I looked up, Rush was getting into the booth, taking a seat beside me as Wes got in beside Levi.

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