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One Year Later

"I think I should get a part time job, what do you think?" Micah asked me as we drove to pick up Levi from his afternoon class. Levi's truck had broken down and he had sent it for servicing so Micah had to drop and pick him up from his classes, as if chauffeuring me around wasn't enough.

"I think-" I said slowly, turning the country music on the radio down so he could hear me clearly. "-that Levi and I both work hard at our part time jobs and you laze around at home a lot."

"So you're saying I should get a job?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'm saying that I'll pay you if you just clean up after yourself," I rolled my eyes at him as he parked in an empty spot outside Levi's college.

Levi was waiting at the entrance and waved out as soon as he saw Micah's car. He started jogging toward the car, his chef coat hanging open and his pecs bulging through his t-shirt underneath. He was almost at the car when a girl called out his name, making him turn around.

Micah and I watched as a petite, brunette girl with huge knockers (as Micah would say) ran toward Levi. She held out a thick notebook to Levi and he thanked her.

"Did he purposely forget his notebook in class to see that girl run after him?" Micah asked, eyeing the girl. "I mean, I would do that to see those tit-"

"You're drooling, Micah," I laughed. "What would Caroline say?"

"Shut up," he muttered and I laughed even harder.

Caroline had actually managed to make her way into Micah's life. She called him almost every night and the surprising part was, he actually picked up and spoke to her every night. He obviously still had feelings for her even though he wouldn't admit it and to be honest, I was happy for him. He seemed happy whenever he spoke to her.

Levi seemed happier, too, probably because he was the hottest guy in his school and had girls swooning and drooling over him. I think he had enough distractions to get his mind off of me. Actually, I was sure he was already over me.

I couldn't say much about my love life. I had rejected a number of confessions because I couldn't get over Rush. Rush and I spoke some times and texted every day but he never hinted that he was thinking about our relationship. He still hadn't told me he loved me and I guess part of me was still waiting for those words.

"Hey," Levi said, getting into the backseat, stopping my train of thoughts. "Can you drop me off at work? They changed my shift?"

"What am I to you guys? A driver?" Micah demanded but he backed out of the parking space and started driving toward the restaurant Levi worked at.

He had gotten an assistant chef position at an Italian restaurant and I happened to work part time as a waitress in the same restaurant. It made travelling to and forth easier.

"No, you're much more than a driver to us," I cooed and he glared at me. "Fine, I'll shut up."

"I'm leaving you at home after this," Micah sighed. "Get started on your assignments."

"Who said I have assignments?" I asked and he shrugged. "Why? Where are you going? Why can't I come?"

"You want to be a third wheel on my date?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow as he stopped outside Italia and Levi jumped out, telling us not to wait up.

"Date?" I repeated and he nodded, taking off in the direction of our apartment. "With whom? Caroline? She's here?"

"Yup," he answered and I let out a low whistle. "Shut up. She's just passing on her way to meet some family members."

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