Family reunion part 1.

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All the girls teleported to the living room of the house and the brothers followed.

"Could one of you please explain who you are and why you are here?" Ruka asked for the sake of the others.

"Certainly,that's the eldest Shu, I am Reiji, they are the triplets Ayato, Laito and Kanato and the youngest Subaru. We are the Sakamaki's and we were told to come here by our father but we do not know why."

"I see, oh well we'll just introduce ourselves first and work from there. That's the eldest is Shiori, I'm Ruka, they are the triplets Aya,Lyra and Kana and that's the youngest Shizuku. We are the Komori sisters."

"Wait did you say Komori?" Ayato asked.

"Yes we are the daughters of Yui Komori, our father is unknown." Aya said. Shiori and Ruka sighed.' If only they knew.'

"And where is little bitch." Laito asked.

"Our mother is upstairs and she's not in the state to talk to anyone so back off." Shizuku retorted.

"What do you mean 'in no state to talk to anyone'?" Subaru asked curiously.

"I told you to-"

"That's enough Shizuku." Ruka said." Our mother Yui isn't very stable for some reason. I have tried researching into this matter but I don't come out with enough sufficient answers. She seems to hate us and always refers to us as vampire scum."

"Well we are vampires after all and she is a human." Shiori replied.

"Thank you Shiori. Anyway she lashes out when she tends to spend too much time with us so we decided to let her sleep most of the time. She only lets Aya and I come to give her food though she prefers her more than me. She mentioned something about Aya reminding her of him.. whoever that is. She must be referring to our father though I'm not sure."

"Can we see your mother by any chance?" Reiji enquired, determined to get to the bottom of the situation.

"Of course." Ruka answered.

"Aya go and get her."

"Kay." Aya said in a somewhat monotonous tone as she began trudging up the stairs.

Aya's POV.

I walked up the stairs slowly; I didn't want to see her. Whenever I see her she cradles me in her arms in a creepy way and whispers things like " Ayato I miss you" or "Ayato I love you" or even " Ayato come back to me and punish me". I mean don't get me wrong it's wonderful being the one mother feels most normal around but whispering another person's name while hugging your daughter is just creepy and it doesn't make me feel any more comfortable around her. If anything I feel more uncomfortable.

I opened the door and it made an eerie screeching noise. I heard the squeaking of the bed and I felt goosebumps all over my skin. All I could see was the silhouette of a bed with a bedraggled looking creature on it. It's head tilted and its hair a wild looking mess. I called out to it.


"Aya my sweet, is that you?" A creepy voice echoed in my direction.

I switched the lights on but that didn't help much. I could only make out how ruffled and torn the bedsheets were. 'She must have had one of those nightmares' I thought. My mother was lying on the bed. Her platinum blonde hair in a tangled mess, her once sherbet pink eyes now a dull red colour with purple bags under them as if the previous colour had lost a reason to keep looking beautiful and her cream skin now a sickly pale white colour. She was wearing a really old nightgown that had several splotches of blood on from the many marks she'd made on her body by cutting herself and screaming in agony and goodness knows what else! I looked at her and my eyes were filled with sympathy but only for a little while. Yes she was my mother but throughout my entire childhood she'd been horrible to me and my sisters with the odd time when she would be nice to me and Ruka. She deserves to be the way she is now, after all she's done she definitely deserves this.

"Yes it's me mother."

"Have you come to give me dinner or comfort me my dear?"

"I've come to tell you to change into something more suitable. The guy whose name you like to whisper, Ayato I think it was, he's here with his brothers so get your ass out of bed and get changed."

"AYATO! HE'S HERE!! AFTER ALL THIS TIME!! I KNEW IT HE DOES STILL LOVE ME!!" mother screamed crawling out of bed and hugging me. I flinched and stayed as I was; I didn't want to hug her back.

"Oh Aya," she said caressing my cheek. "You look just like him. You have his eyes and his red hair. I wish you were more sadistic and cocky like him. Then it would be like seeing my precious Ayato every single day. You'd like that wouldn't you my sweet."

I stayed silent. I gazed into her eyes. She wasn't my mother. She was a monster that should be bound in chains in the deepest dungeon for the rest of her life.

"Mother, said person is waiting downstairs so I suggest you hurry up." A strict voice called from the door. It was Ruka. I escaped out of my mother's embrace and ran behind Ruka. I may be thought most of the time but at moments like these I like to depend on my older sisters.

"Oh Ruka! Have I ever told you of how much you look like your father. I suppose he's downstairs waiting for me~"

"Aya go down right now she's unstable if I don't come down in the next five minutes tell everyone to come up immediately as I might need help."she whispered as mother was going on about some glasses otaku person.

"Kay." I said and I went downstairs to be greeted by my to twins Lyra and Kana.

"How did it go?" Kana asked.

"What happened?"

"Oi, Melons, what happened?"Ayato asked me.

"Just the usual whispering of 'Ayato this' and 'Ayato that' nothing too dangerous." I said quietly while my head faced the floor, my hair covering my eyes.

"Why does she whisper my name, and to you at that?" Ayato asked a bit weirded out by the things he heard my mother does.

"It's nothing." I said, I realised who Ayato is to me.

Ruka's POV.

" Come on now mother get changed." I said getting out a fresh pair of clothes for her.

" You know you didn't only inherit your looks from him you also inherited his strictness and I don't like that." She said coming behind me.

'Calm down Ruka she's just in an unstable state. Besides even if I do get myself into a bad situation I told Aya to come up if I don't come down in the next five minutes.' I thought.

Then she came in front of me and gave me a cold glare.

"You know to be honest I much prefer how Shiori turned out compared to you. At least she wasn't a disappointment but then again all of you are! You are just all filthy scrum that came out of the horrible things I endured then." She shouted as she began to strangle me.

"You make me feel like the crying child at an arcade centre because she got the one prize nobody wanted! Do you know how that feels? It feels horrible and to have to see you every day makes me feel even more horrible. I WISH YOU WERE NEVER EVEN BORN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!" She screamed grasping my neck tighter in an attempt to end my life. My stoic expression remained on my face but inside I was falling apart. She knows just how to get under my skin. She knows I hate being called worse than Shiori and yet she says it anyway. She knows I hate it when she speaks of how she hates all of us and how she wants us dead BUT SHE SAYS THINGS LIKE THAT ANYWAY!!!

"Ruka!" Aya screamed. I looked to the door and saw my sisters and the Sakamaki's brothers there. I glanced at the clock. It had been ten minutes since I had entered the room meaning they had heard everything. I looked at my sisters with worry. I never liked it when they heard their own mother saying bad things about them. Speaking of my mother, she immediately let go of my throat letting my land on the floor in an unceremonious heap and massaged my now swollen neck. Kana and Shizuku ran towards me and helped me up.

"Ayato, everyone! How nice to see you after all this time."

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