The Old Book Store ~ Chapter 7

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"Who was that?" Zayn was the first to jump in. "You know you're not supposed to be dating anyone."

"I'm not dating him, oh my god, this is so embarrassing."

"You talked to him, now you get harrassed!"

" I TALKED to him. I didn't kiss him, it's not a big deal."

"That was Will?" Ruby jumped in. Damnit. 

"Will? Who's Will? Are you dating Will?" Harry comes over. 

"You're dating him? That guy? What the hell, how come I didn't know?" Liam's there too now.

"You're not the only one, I didn't know either," Louis says. 

"When can I book the wedding?" Oh Niall. 

"This is exactly what I thought would happen. You are over reacting. I just talked to him. I met him on the run. No Biggie."

"Oh my god. I thought this run was going to be all fantastic and innocent. You are supposed to be running, not chatting up guys," Zayn almost sounds angry now. 

"I wasn't chatting up guys, he ran into me."

"Oh my god, it's Cinderella. You're going to get married, have 6 babies, buy a mansion, I'll be the babysitter, you'll be gr-"

"Niall!" We all shout. 


We start actually using the gym equipment instead of standing around arguing. It's starting to get annoying, I have Zayn giving me weird looks shaking his head, Niall giving me creepy smiles and Harry is winking at me. To top it off, Ruby's next to me flirting with some guy on the other side of the room. I'm sick of the gym now, so I storm out dragging Ruby with me, not bothering to say goodbye to the others. 

Rubs and I head off to the massive shopping centre in my car. The awkward subject pops up. 

"So Will's cute."

"Mmmm," I reply.


"Ruby just get it out please."

"Ok. This is awkward. Ummm, I kind of know him."

"You do?" I say casually. I try to make it loom like I don't really care.

"Yeah, he came over the my friend's house, the one I'm staying at? He's their friend."


"Stop hiding it. I know you like him. He's cute! How can anyone not love that Scottish accent?"

"Ruby, he doesn't kneo who I am. That's why I am intruiged. It's hard to have everyone know you and come up to you. I wanted a change."

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bothered you."

"No Ruby, didn't bother me," I pull the car up and we get out. "Let's just have a good time. Ok?"


Never talk to a boy in front of your guy friends.

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