**Naomi's Point Of View

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm, thankfully for the last time in a while as it is the last day of school. I rub my eyes and get out of bed, grabbing my phone as I do.
"Morning Naomi," My Mom laughs as she picks up her cup of coffee, "Excited for the last day of school?"
"I'm, well, I don't really know" I reply as I reach the last step.
"Your Dad would be so proud of you, as well as your big brother" She smiles. I also smile as I walk over to the cupboard.
"Where's Carman?" I ask. Carman is my little sister, she's 14 and I'm 17.
"She's still in bed, go get her up, you have an hour and a half til we leave and she still needs a shower" My mom talks really fast sometimes, it's quite funny.
"Carman!" I shout as I take the Cheerios out of the cupboard. Shorty after, we both see Carman walk sluggishly down the stairs.
"It's too early" She complains scratching her head.
"You've got up this time all semester!" My mom laughs taking another sip of her coffee.
"Thank god it's the last day of term then" I tell her after I make us both a bowl of cereal.
"Lucky you, you never have to go to school after this" Carmen rolls her eyes as she takes the bowl.
"Yeah, but I have to get a job," I tell her, "And everyone who leaves school must"
"Will you move out?" She asks.
"Maybe in the future" I smile sitting down.
"With Ethan?" Carman looks at me as she takes her first spoonful of cereal.
"Hopefully. It'd be fun if Charlotte and Amy did too, along with their boyfriends" I tell her. She laughs, she is still pretty childish.

"I'm going to go in the shower" I say as I finished my breakfast.
"Okay, be quick, it's 7:46am and school starts at 8:30am" My mom tells me.

I arrive at school in a pretty outfit as I want to be remembered.

And, so were all my friends

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And, so were all my friends. Charlotte was wearing:

 Charlotte was wearing:

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And Amy wearing this:

And Amy wearing this:

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Just without the hat.

"Hey girlies" I smile as I run over to where they are talking.
"Naomi! Ready for the last day of school?" Amy asks.
"I've never been more ready or happy or sad in my life!" I laugh.
"I'm ready to leave" Charlotte smirks.
"Is that because you and Thomas wanna move in together?" I laugh. Charlotte pushes me jokingly.
"Maybe" She laughs back. We walk in a line as we always did to our first class, History.

"So, can anyone tell me how many wives king Henry the VIII had?" The teacher asks.
I didn't raise my hand as I thought it's too easy and someone else could answer it.
"6" Smartyarse Sarah said. That's her nickname, everyone calls her it. I feel kinda bad for her, but then again, she is a smart arse.
"Correct Sarah" The teacher replies.

5 hours later.
For everyone who is leaving, we get to go home earlier than everyone else. Charlotte, Thomas, Amy, Toby, Ethan and I all decide to go to the beach to take some photos, because, well, because we can.
We reach the beach and straight away run into the sea, which I suppose is a stupid idea because we don't have any towels or change of clothes.

5 hours later.
It's quite dark and late, "What time is it?" I ask as we sit around the fire we made.
"8pm" Ethan replies wrapping his arms around my waist. I look into his eyes and peck him on the lips then smiling at his smile.

Everyone is now talking in one big conversation.
"What are you's even talking about?" Amy asks.
"We're talking about what we want to do now that we've left school" I laugh. Ethan takes his chin off my head, I look up to see if anythings wrong. I see him look at the other boys and the other boys look at him.
"I think now is a good time" Thomas mouths. The boys stand up beside each their girlfriends.
"We are taking you all to Paris!" They shout. The rest of us are shocked and begin to hug each other.
"Omg!" I laugh jumping up and giving Ethan a hug, "Really?!"
"Yes! We are leaving in two days, so get your bags packed" Ethan smiles.

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