**Amys Point Of View

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My cheeks were burning, tears streaming down my face and the lump in my througt made it hard to swallow. I ran out of Charlottes room faster then I had entered and was sprinting down the hallway. I burst into my room, Toby was there. He said he was sorry and that I shouldn't leave and that he loved me. I couldn't bare it how could someone I love hurt me so much. I grabbed my only packed bag and ran down the stairs and out the lobby doors in the bustling street. I hauled a taxi and fell into the back seat.
"Ummh...English?" The driver asked in a French accent.
"Yes, can you take me to the airport?" I ask I'm between breaths.
"Yes...yes... are you okay?"
"I don't want to talk about it"
I sit in the airport waiting for my delayed plane trying to calm myself down. I couldn't breathe, I felt numb. My chest hurt, my feet hurt, my head hurt, everything hurt. Everyone was avoiding my like I had the plague, no wonder Toby hates me. I realised I barely packed anything ( this made me sob even more into my booger ridden Starbucks napkin). I texted Naomi saying
Hey I left a lot of my things, pack them and bring them back when you leave
I turned my phone off just incase Toby texted, I was jut beginning to calm down and I didn't want to break down again.
I am sat next to a business man and a bearded man that smells like whipped cream. And then there's me, the snotty, wind swept, maskara faced girl who no body wanted to touch. I turn on my phone and play my Spotify playlist, but all of the songs remind me of Toby and i can't listen to them anymore or else I will explode into a sobbing mess.
We were told to put our seat belts on, the flight attendants buckled up too. Red lights began flashing as the plane suddenly jerked onto its side. Just as fast and unexpectedly it fixes back into place. I can feel the plane plummeting towards the ocean below us, I am so scared. I want to breathe but I can't. We are all trapped and about to die. As the plane hits the ocean all the windows shatter into millions of tiny pieces. It all goes in slow motion, the mothers holding there children, blood flying every where. Although before I know it I have unbuckled my belt and am swimming toward the windows. I can feel my through tightening, I can hear all the haunting screams of my fellow passengers. We were all drowning, it was a race to air .And then everything just went white.

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