***Naomi's Point Of View

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I'm well into my pregnancy. I'm around 2 months, my baby will be here.

I wake up around 6:30 due to morning sickness. I run to the toilet and I'm joined by Charlotte with a glass of water. I smile and take the cup, immediately sipping it.

"Thank you" I smile.

She smiles back before sluggishly walking down the stairs.


It's further on in the day, around 3ish. Charlotte and I are watching TV, American Idol to be exact.

"I'm gunna take a nap," Charlotte yawns, "I'll only be half an hour" She leaves the room and I actually realise how tired I am, so I decide to rest also.


I wake up and all I hear is chatting, at first I think it's the TV, but when I look up, the TV is turned off. I walk out of the living room and into the kitchen to collect a drink.

I decide to go outside as it's a gorgeous day, I sit at the table on the decking and pull out my phone.

"SURPRISE!!!" I hear many voices shout.

I look up and see all my family and Charlotte's family jump up.

I cover my mouth in joy and run up to Charlotte giving her a tight hug.

"Did you do this??" I ask, my eyes becoming glassy.

She nods, I see her eyes filling with tears too.

"I've brought everyone here because we have a surprise for you" Charlotte smirks.

I pull back from the hug to see everyone pulling out their phones and crowding around, when I see my Mom come around the corner with balloons.

"What's this?" I ask as she hands me the balloons and a pin.

"Today, we're finding out the gender of you baby!!" They all shout.

I beam as a tear escapes from my eye. I pop the balloon and...

 I pop the balloon and

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"A girl!" I shout.

They all shout and cheer. At this point, I'm crying now. I've always wanted a little girl, and I'm overjoyed. I hug Charlotte and then my Mom, and finally my little sister.

I wish I could hug everyone, but there's literally 20 people here.

We all decide to go back into the decking and sit around our huge table. I can't help but run my stomach and nom stop thinking about her.

Charlotte and I bring drinks out, not alcoholic, and snacks.


By this point, it's 9pm. Only Charlotte, my Mom, my sister and Charlotte's parents are here. The fire it lit and we're now sat around that.

"How are you gunna cope with being a single Mom? It's hard you know. But I want you to know I'll always be here" My Mom smiles.

I breathe I'm trying not to cry about missing Ethan so much, "I'll be fine, I have so many people who are willing to help with her" I smile.

"Your right" Everyone agrees.

"I'm actually gunna go to bed, I'm tired" I smile. I get out of the chair and do just that.

As I get into bed, my heart is still aches off my Mom's comment. I let all my emotions out by texting Ethan's phone number.

I miss you💔

It's a girl E! Xxxxx

I knew you would've
been over the moon!

Ugh, I miss you so
much it hurts:(

I'm think of names,
I quite like Belle, or
maybe Lily-May?

I'm excited for our
baby to be born, I
know she'll look
just like you! xxxxx

Goodnight, I love
you xxxxx

I turn my phone off and try falling asleep in Ethans old top and sweatpants. When I remembered I wanted to text him one more thing.

But when I go onto my texts, I get creeped, out. A lot.

I miss you💔

It's a girl E! Xxxxx

I knew you would've
been over the moon!

Ugh, I miss you so
much it hurts:(

I'm think of names,
I quite like Belle, or
maybe Lily-May?

I'm excited for our
baby to be born, I
know she'll look
just like you! xxxxx

Goodnight, I love
you xxxxx

Read: 9:23

I straight away text Lisa and ask her what they did to Ethan's phone.

Hey Lisa! What
did you do with
Ethan's phone
again? xx

I sold it sweetie,
I'm sorry did you
want it? x

I freeze and drop my phone. Tears start flowing down my face. I fill with sudden fear. Who has his phone? Will they reply?

And the question that haunted me the most,

Might it be the person who killed Ethan?

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