Chapter Thirty-Five

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Mila woke up the next morning with the biggest smile on her face. Her body felt so relaxed after the night she had with Xavier. She still couldn't believe that last night had actually happened. If she hadn't felt the effects of it between her legs, should would have thought that it was all a dream, but it wasn't.

Last night, Xavier had made her feel like no man ever could. She felt love and compassion. The things she used to read about in her dirty romance novels. The things she had thought she had in her past failed relationships, but that of course wasn't true.

Mila let out a loud groan as she attempted to lift her knees up. She was sure she would be walking funny for a good week, but that didn't really bother her. The little pain she felt held no comparison to the earth shattering pleasure she had met while being with Xavier. If she had yet to grown attach to him before, she was very much so now.

"Xavier." Mila called out into the silence of his room, but was not met with a response. She felt beside her at the place Xavier had slept and was greeted with a coolness. She realized that Xavier had been gone for awhile and probably didn't want to wake her up. Oddly, the fact upset Mila. She wished she had woken up in his arms.

Mila pouted and swung her legs off the bed. She stood up, letting the silky covers leave her naked body, and stretched. She winced at her aching core, but pushed the pain to the back off her mind as she walked out of Xavier's bedroom and into her own.

Grabbing some clothes to wear for the day, Mila went inside her bathroom and started her bath water. She needed to cleanse herself of the smell of sex lingering over her body. As well as prepare herself for what ever type of day she would have. She had the day off and had no clue on what to do with herself.

"Dilemmas. Dilemmas." She mumbled to herself in response to her thoughts.

She stopped the water from running and stepped foot inside her bath. She sighed as the warm water engulfed her body. Closing her eyes, she began to daydream about Xavier and his beautiful hazel eyes that were embedded in her brain. It seemed like it was the only thing she could think about.

A smile tugged at her lips. She had it bad and she knew it. She couldn't wait until Xavier came back home, so that they could repeat their actions from last night again. She just wanted to get lost in those hazel eyes again. She wanted to get away from her sick reality and that man was the key to that.

Mila giggle at her thoughts of Xavier being the key to her happiness. To think that she had given him a hard time in the early stages of their relationship was comical to her. She was trying to protect herself from being heartbroken once more, but she was only prolonging the time she had to feel what true love was.

It was more than ironic.

Mila hummed to herself softly as she washed her body. After she was done, she stepped out the tub and dried herself with a towel. She then drained out the bath water before proceeding to go into her room and change into some comfortable clothes. She decided on sporting a light green tank top and some black yoga pants.

"Now, what?" Mila asked herself.

She had quiet a bit of time on her hands and had no idea on what to do with it. She could ask her mother if she wanted to do something, but then she realized that her mother had appointments yet again with Ms. Crawford early this morning. Apparently, the two had become quite the best of friends and a part a Mila felt conflicted about that.

It was a shame that her mother had came all the way from Atlanta just to mend their broken relationship just for her to end up building an even stronger bond with Mila's best friend's mother. It was a darn shame and Mila couldn't help but to feel upset about the fact. She knew that she was letting the past get the best of her, but it was really hard to cope with what happened.

She loves her mother. She did and she knew that she was a total bitch to her sometimes, but it was just her way of coping. It was fucked up, but it is what it is. Mila could just only make a promise to herself to do better and try to at least be more daughterly to her mother. After all, if Mila could be totally honest with herself, what happened was not her mother's fault. It was out of her control and Mila needed to stop blaming her for the incident.

It was time to let go of the past and embrace her future. Now that her and Xavier were official, she knew that she needed to change some things. One major thing being the way she treated her mother. Xavier disliked her behavior towards her and she knew that.

Mila let out a sigh. She really needed to apologize to her mother and she hoped that she had not left yet for her adventure with Ms. Crawford.

She began her walk downstairs and towards the guest room that her mother was staying in. Mila knocked on the door softly.

"Mom?" She called out.

"Mom are you up?" Mila asked once more, but she was still answered with silence.

It was weird for her mother to not be up this early in the morning and she Mila realized that maybe she had actually headed out for the day. However, something in Mila was telling her to make sure.

Mila closed her eyes. An image of the last time she walked into her mother's room without warning invaded her brain and she shooed it off as she opened the door to the room.

"Mom can we talk." She spoke, but once again was met with silence.

Mila opened her eyes and she quickly regretted it.


A huge blood stain was on the bed and her mother was nowhere to be found.

Mila felt her stomach flip as she spotted the dark red blood stained paper that was on top of the blood on the bed. Mila dragged her feet towards it so that she could read it. At this point, her whole body had gone completely numb. The worst thoughts had entered her brain and Mila wish that what she was experiencing wasn't real.

However, it was and Mila was sick to her stomach.

With a shaky hand, she grabbed the paper. It still felt kind of damped and tear slip from her eyes. Whatever happened to her mother didn't happen too long ago.

Judging by how dry the spot the spot was on the bed, Mila would guess that it happened last night. Probably while her and Xavier were....

"Oh God!" Mila gasped before she could get that last thought out.

She finally read the words on the paper that stopped her heart.

First your boss. Now your Mother. Seriously Mila, how many other people are you going to get killed?

Mila dropped the paper from her hands and her knees soon followed.

She screamed as she realized that her mother was gone.

She didn't get a chance to say that she was sorry and now her mother will never know.

Hey guys? How's it going? Have you missed this story? Well, I hope you guys aren't too pissed or maybe you are.

I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to leave me a comment or two. I love your feedback.

Until Next Time.

(Let us 🙏🏾 that its not 2018)

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