{Chapter 4.}

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Lucy's /POV/

Natsu and Mistress Flare have been fighting over me for the past five minutes, eventually, everyone else joined in, yelling about how I will be going with them, and that Lady Flare has no choice.

"MY MASTER WILL BE COMING WITH US!" It seriously looked like Natsu was about to attack, and I doubt the others would object to it. I grabbed one of the keys from the belt I still had on. I grabbed the spirit with the most manpower. I was seriously getting sick of this. 


"YOUR MAID IS A DRAGON MASTER!" Levy fought back. 


"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" I started to shake in anger at what Gajeel had said to Lady Flare. 

"OPEN GATE OF THE GOLDEN BULL, TAURUS!!!" Everyone but Natsu noticed what I had done. 

"Hellooo, Lady Lucy!"

"Taurus restrain him!" I pointed over at Natsu.

"Will I get a smooooch afterwards?" I groaned

"JUST DO IT!" Taurus went behind Natsu and held his arms. Even with Natsu restrained, everyone went back to fighting over me. I was getting really mad now.

"HOW DARE YOU TRY AND KEEP A DRAGON MASTER AS A SLAVE!!!" Mira yelled, even she was mad.

"How about we pay you for her freedom?" That was the last straw. They were fighting over me but not once had they asked me, and saying I had no freedom was absolutely stupid! They were assuming things.

"SHUT UP!!!!!" I yelled, causing everyone to look at me. "Not once have any of you asked what I want to do! Not once have you said 'Lucy would you like to come with us?'. You disrespect my Mistress, then you start making assumptions that because I'm a maid so my life must be crap! Well, your wrong! Lady Flare saved my life, I choose to be here! If I didn't want to, then I would have found some way to escape! But I'm still here! I owe Lady Flare my.life! You say I'm your dragon master!" I turned to Natsu who had stopped struggling in Taurus's arms. "then if I order you to do something that order is absolute!" I raised my voice once more "I ORDER YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM ME!!! DONT LOOK FOR ME EVER AGAIN!!! IF I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN, THEN YOU WILL BE IN FOR IT!!!! NOW LEAVE THE MANSION AT ONCE!! Or else ill have to have guards to forcefully escort you out!" I finished my rant, and everyone's jaws had dropped. I turned on my heal flipping my hair as I did so, and walked to the door, opening it. "OUT!" They all left, and Taurus let go of Natsu, who looked pained, you could see it in his eyes. I felt bad, so once everyone else left the room, I hugged him from behind, shocking him. "I'm sorry, but this is my life, and I can't just leave everything suddenly." I gave him one last squeeze, then let go and moved back and turned around. I don't know if he turned to look at me, as I was walking towards Lady Flare I called out. "Maybe one day. But that day is not today. And if I do come, I'll be coming on my own terms." And then I followed Lady Flare out of a door on the opposite side of the room and walked with her to the office. 

"You didn't want to go?" Lady Flare asked me once she had sat down at her desk, I shook my head.

"No, I am your maid. Your family saved me, you give me food, water, shelter. What more could I ask for? I owe you my life." Flare nodded "I apologise for raising my voice in your presence my lady." I apologised, she only shook her head, not replying. 

"Sit and read some more." I did as instructed, and kept reading the book I had been reading that afternoon. About an hour later, Lady Flare looked up from her work.

"We leave tomorrow. Those people will no doubt come back, so we best be long gone before that happens. Pack my things, and yours, notify the staff to pack up the mansion, and have all the slaves in the barns, moved to the safe house mansion near the light/dark clan territory." I nodded my head and stood up, doing as instructed. Why would we be moving? Am I really that important? I'm only a slave.

By midnight that night, we were all out of the mansion, all on our way to the safe house mansion in the light/dark clan territory. 

Natsu's /POV/

She hugged me from behind. Her frame wrapped perfectly around me. She was made for me, and I had been ordered to never see her again. I wanted to disobey the order, but the master's order was an absolute order that I couldn't break even if I tried, it was an order bound by magic. "I'm sorry, but this is my life, and I cant just leave everything suddenly." She gave me one last squeeze, and it took everything in me not to turn around, grab her into a hug and never let her go. However, I did turn and watch her back, as she walked away. Before she left she said the only words that gave me hope that maybe one day I would see her again. "Maybe one day. But that day is not today. And if I do come, I'll be coming on my own terms." 

I left the mansion, being lead by a butler. Once outside I met the rest of my group who were all giving me sympathetic looks. My face, however, was emotionless. I felt broken, my Master, my soulmate had practically rejected me. I needed her, I wanted her! I kept holding onto the hope that she would one day come to me. 

I pushed past everyone walking away, heading in the direction of our home, the fairytail temple.

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