{Chapter 9.}

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Lucy /POV/

I suddenly got a sharp sting in my head, causing me to shut my eyes, that's when I saw it. I was surrounded by flames and there he was.

"Natsu..." the word left my lips with so much raw emotion even I didn't know what ones.

"Luce...please. We can help you! Just please..come back to me." He said as he walked towards my slowly. Those words alone made me weak at the knees I wanted to fall over, the hope it gave me...but that hope was soon diminished as harsh reality came at me.

"I cant...they're hunting me and I don't even know why...they'll hurt you, just like they did Levy! Speaking of wich, how is she?" 

"Fine, but how are you?" I shrugged

"Exhausted...Natsu, I can't come to you, ill put you in danger."

"Then I'll find you." I smiled at him as tears ran down my face

"I look forward to it, but good luck with that, I'm not so easy to catch."

"We'll see, my little master." He smirked and then my eyes opened and I was back in the woods sitting on the ground on my knees now. 

"Oh, Natsu..." I stood up and sighed "Now I need to run from another group of people." Even as I said this to myself, I somehow smiled, because a large part of me wished to be with my dragon. 

I got up and kept walking, it's another 5hours till I arrive at the next town. 


It's been 6 months since I last saw Levy, and fairytail for that matter. Ever since I saw him again, the need to be with him by his side has grown. I've read about this in books before, when a dragon hasn't marked their master, the need to be with each other will grow, usually, it will be harder for the dragon more so then the master, but at this point I'm, not so sure that's true.

At the moment I'm in a small farming village, with lots of open space and not many structures, I'm not sure you could even call it a village, more like a community. It probably wasn't safe here, but I was only stopping for a night. I decided to walk around the town until I saw a group of people I never imagined I see again.

"She must have come through here," Levy said.

"I can't sense her-" Gajeel was interrupted by a blast going towards Levy. My eyes widened when I saw some grimoire heart dark mages standing there.

"WHERE IS THE BLONDE?" One of them yelled mad.

"WHY WOULD WE TELL YOU BASTARD!!" Natsu...I saw him there, getting ready to fight...I never thought I'd actually see him again. Soon enough it was an all out brawl, and they were doing quite a lot of damage to the area around them. I sweat dropped. 

"Idiots..." I mumbled. My eyes widened when I saw a beam of light heading straight for Levy and Mira from behind. "STAR DRESS TAURUS!!!"


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