{Chapter 12.}

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Lucy's /POV/

I woke up with a pain...everywhere. I sat up and saw Levy talking to the screen. I stood up, using the wall to balance myself. "LU!/LUCE!/BUNNY GIRL!/LUCY!!!/AUINTIE LU!" A chorus of people called out in concern. I only turned to Levy.

"We need to get you out of here." She had a weird look on her face.

"You speak as if I'm the only one getting out." I nod at her words.

"You are. Now let me give you two rules you must follow while in this place." I gestured to building around us, "Number one, no using magic! Unless you want to die on the spot, don't use it. Number two, don't trust anyone. The people here are heartless killers, there's only 1 reason why you and I are alive. I'm alive because they need me, you're alive to make me do what they want. Following?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"Why do they want you?" I stiffen, "And don't pretend you don't know because you must!" I sighed and sat down on the floor again. 

"I guess I owe you an explanation." I glanced at Natsu in the screen then to the floor, unable to look anyone in the eye. "My name is Lucy Heartfelia." gasps were heard from practically everyone. "I am the youngest daughter of Jude and Layla Heartfelia. Many people also know me, as the missing princess. I don't remember anything from before I was taken to the slavery, but I do know that people have been after me, even when I was in the slavery. Lady Flare and her family kept me safe from the dark guilds that seek to destroy me, but a year ago, Lady Flare was murdered by Lord Jose. She sent me away with a hood, and some money, but she also told me to get revenge for her, by destroying the  Oración Seis and  Grimoire Heart. They've been hunting me ever since. They want me to either sacrifice myself for a machine that will render mages magicless, and normal people to be brainwashed into doing whatever they say, or they want me to marry Lord Jose so that he may kill my older sister and take the throne." I fisted my hands by my sides as I spoke. "Either way, the only way this ends is if I die." Everyone gasped, some people even yelling at me not to think that way "call me selfish but I refuse to die until I get my revenge for Lady Flare....anyway, that's it. Come on Levy, let's get you out of here." I stood up again using the wall to balance myself. 

"Luce...why didn't you tell me?....LUCE LOOK AT ME!!!" My head turned so fast it practically gave me whiplash as I looked at Natsu. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't even know about this until 11months ago!" It came out like a whisper "Because I was scared you'd get yourself involved. Because I knew you would get hurt using this as a way to find me." I so badly wanted to cry, but I refused to do so.  

"Luce, I'm going to get you out. I'm going to bring you back with me. Luce, I will do whatever it takes to get you back. I would do anything for you." I smiled at him.

"I know you will." Then suddenly black dots started blotching my vision. But before I fell back unconscious along with Levy who had fallen down beside me, I said "Don't use magic here, it'll suck your soul and magic into their machine-" then I lost consciousness. 


When I came to, I was being carried. Who ever was carrying me was hot...literaly, it's like their skin was on fire. I looked up to see a blur of salmon coloured hair, but it wasn't the person who was carrying me. I suddenly kneed the person who was carrying me as they had me slung over their shoulder, my attack hit their face. They loosened their grip as they groaned in pain I shot forward over their shoulder, landing on the floor with a somersault landing. I turned around using my whip before my captor could move I had my whip wrapped around his neck, and with a single pull, the neck was cracked. I smirked down at the dead and lifeless body of Bluenote Stinger.

 I smirked down at the dead and lifeless body of Bluenote Stinger

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 A member of Grimoire heart. I grabbed a dagger I had hidden in my boot I aimed it so I was going to stab the corpses face with a wicked grin stretched over my face.

"Lucy?" I turned and saw Natsu looking at me with shock at what I was about to do. Behind him was Mira, Laxus, Gajeel and Levy who looked healed other than her clothes. Come to think of it, I'm completely healed except for the tears in my clothes...why is that? "What are you doing?" Natsu asked. I only grinned in an insane looking way.

"You wouldn't understand Natsu. This is for everything they've done to me, to my family! To my mistress!" And with that, I stabbed the corpses face. I completely mauled it. I heard the gasps from behind me but all I did was laugh as I stood up and started walking.

"Luce...why would you?....what happened to you?" Natsu asked as he took a step towards me, but all I did was hold up my hand to tell him to stop. 

"Would you still take me as your master knowing the monster I've turned into?" I turned around to look him in the eye, but any crazy look or smile was gone from my face, replaced with a serious expression. "Could you accept me knowing that THIS is what I've done? And more than anything, if you were to accept me, would you be ok with knowing I may ask you to help me get my revenge?" Before Natsu could answer, I answered for him "No, you couldn't. You couldn't accept the monster I've become. You couldn't accept me knowing I've done all these things. And more than anything, you would never be able to do the horrible things I plan to do to Grimoire heart and the ora-"

"How do you know what I would think?!?" Natsu snapped, causing me to smile warmly with soft eyes.

"Because I know you. I've always had my tabs kept on you. I know you, I know the good things you've done, all the people you've saved and protected. Evil or not you could never torture a person." He looked shocked. "Natsu Dragneel, you grew up in the fairytale temple. Your father went missing on the 7th of the 7th, x777. All the dragons parents did. You have a blue cat named happy, and you eat...a lot. You love your friends and family and are willing to die for them, but most of all, you're a good person." Everyone was shocked at this information except levy, who had an embarrassed blush on her face considering she had told me most of the information. "I know that you changed when I left you, I know that you became depressed and that's my fault, but I know that if you were to be near me, it would not only put you in danger, but you would realise I'm, not the same girl you met three years ago. I've been waiting for the day I could get my revenge and that day is today." I smirked evilly once more, just thinking of the pain I will cause my enemies "I will get justice for Lady Flare." And with that, I turned and ran further into the maze of hallways

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