Our First Encounter

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My name is Arabella Kyla Hall. I am almost 20 years old. My birthday is September 8, 1992. Meaning my zodiac sign is Virgo. I am not that into boy bands. I would rather be left alone. My favorite colors are blue and orange. I have long blonde hair, and brown eyes. I am very level-headed, most of the time. I was orphaned at age 14, when my parents died of cancer. I have had to take care of my five year old sister, Aria. Aria has black hair and brown eyes. At this particular time we just happened to be on our way to the UK to visit our grandmother. Our grandmother is almost 81 years old and she is the sweetest woman in the world. She had paid for our first class tickets to see her. We were dropped off at the airport by our neighbors and we got through luggage check and security. I had my carry on bag plus her backpack. My bag consisted of my Iphone, Ipod, extra clothes for both for us, a book, color pencils, markers, drawing pad, and drawing pencils. Her backpack had her toy doll, her mp3 player, her book, and some coloring stuff. We got on the plane and got our seats. For a good solid five minutes I was hoping that we would be the only two in first class, but sadly five boys walked in and got their seats. i saw them glance at me, I shrugged it off. 

"May I have your attention please. We will be taking off in just a moment. Please fasten your seatbelts." The flight attendent said

i reached over and she was asleep.

"Aria, baby wake up a minute. I have to put your seatbelt on." I told her

"But Sissy, I don't wanna." She mumbled

I fastened her seatbelt, then she fell back asleep. I put in my headphones and tried to relax. About thirty minutes later, someone tapped me. I opened my eyes and took out my earbuds. It was a woman that looked to be in her late 20s early 30s.

"Is there anything I can get you?" She asked politely

"Yes ma'am. Could I get a pillow and cover for her, and a water for me." I asked

"Is that your daughter?"

"My sister."

She smiled and nodded, then went to get the stuff I had asked her for. She arrived five minutes later with a pillow and cover then a water.

"Thank you."

I picked up Aria's head and placed the pillow under it while i covered her up with the cover. One of the guys were walking towards me. He sat in the seat beside me. 

"I'm Louis. And you are?" He said

"i am Arabella, and this is my little sister Aria." I replied

"Nice to meet you, Arabella. Where are you headed?"

"The UK."

"So are we."


"Me and my friends. We are in a band called One Direction. Have you heard of it?"

"I have not. Are you guys any good?"

He smiled. 

"We think so , but we do't get cocky about it."

"That's very generous."

He kinda chuckled.

"Cute laugh. Well, he's cute too but still." I thought to myself

He pulled out a cd and handed it to me.

"Listen to it and here's my number call me if you ever wanna hang out or anything."

"I will keep that in mind." 

He walked back over to his friends and Aria woke up.

"Sissy, i gotta go potty." She said

"Come on. I'll carry you or do you wanna walk?" I asked

"i wanna walk."

"Okay, come on. We'll go to the potty."

I undone our seat belts and I grabbed her hand. I hated it because I had to walk right beside One Direction to get out of there. I walked towards the exit and I saw Louis smile. I smiled back.

"Where you going?" he asked

"Why don't you find out?" I said, kinda flirty

i kept walking and he followed me. I stopped outside the bathroom door.

"Is that your daughter?" He asked

"Might as well be. I raised her." I said, grabbing her hand when she came out.

We walked back to our seats and he sat next to me.

"So I was wondering, why are you going to the UK?" He asked

"To visit our grandmother." I said

"What's her name?"

"Rosanna Hall."

"She sounds amazing."

"She is. She raised me."

"Is she as beautiful as you are?"

I couldn't help but smile at the ground and blush.

"I think she is one of the most beautiful women on earth besides my mama." I said

He nodded his head and handed me a piece of paper. I opened it and it was the drawing of a rose and under it said: nothing will ever compare to you and your beauty. I looked up and smiled. 

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