Happily Together Forever

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The coroner was standing there. I signed his papers, and then he left. I took that chair and had it thrown out. 


Arabella was just so beautiful and I hated seeing her cry. She was just so fragile and heart-broken. I had only met her today and already we were going out. I couldn't have been happier. I saw her go upstairs and I followed her. She walked into this huge room. I mean we never made it to our room so I was curious. I followed in behind her and she went and collapsed on the bed. i sat in front of her.

"Are you okay, babe?" I asked

"I don't know. I mean one minute I'm taking you guys to the room and the next she was dead. I just wish I knew why anyone would want to kill my grandmother. She was the sweetest woman in the world. I'm confused and distraught and upset. She was the only one I had left."

All of a sudden there were some very loud screams from downstairs. She ran down.

"Woah, woah, woah. What's the screaming about?" She asked

Aria ran to us.

"Sissy, that man is trying to take me." She said

This man walked up to us and tried to grab Aria by the arm. Arabella pulled her behind us.

"Why are you doing here?" She asked the man

"I want my daughter." He said

"Your name isn't on the birth certifcate meaning she has no father and when you decided to walk out on us you have nothing towards her anymore. I'm the one who raised her. I'm the name on her birth certifcate so if you even think you will get her it will have to be over my dead body."

He glared at her.

"That can very well be arranged." He said

I stood up this time.

"You don't have the balls. This conversation is over, you need to leave or I will call the police and have you escorted out. Take your pick." 

He walked out and I scooped Aria up in my arms. Arabella follwed me to their bedroom. I laid her on her bed. She had fallen asleep on the way up. I saw Arabella sitting on the bed with a pillow squahsed between her legs and her face. She was crying again. I sat beside her and pulled her into me. She grasped onto my shirt and just started crying harder than she was before. 

"Hey, love. Everything will be okay. I promise. I'll make everything be okay." I said, trying to calm her

"Louis, I don't know what to do. I'm so scared and torn and afraid. I want to feel safe again but I feel like right now I'm superman and the world is krptonite. Wait, that was a bad analogy but still."

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I don't mean to laugh but that was a pretty bad analogy."

She half way laughed and smiled.


She got up and walked to the bathroom. I sat there waiting on her to come back. She had taken off her make-up and the dress and heels. She traded that in for a pair of sweats with a tank top and some bedroom shoes. I just wanted to scoop her up, tell her how sexy she looked, and kiss her all over. She looked at me.

"I'm going to sell the house." She said

"But why, It's a beautiful house." I said

"Not this one silly, the one in the states. I need the money."

"Money isn't the issue honeysuckle. I have plenty of that." 

I could see that isn't what she meant. 

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