The Day of Departure

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We went to the water park and rode on a few rides. Aria got hungry so we left and went to McDonalds. I just sat there and tried to smile when deep inside I just wanted to break down and cry. I thought Louis would forget me. i felt a tear slide down my face. Louis gave me a questioning look. I tried to shake it off but the tears all fell down from my eyes. He came over and sat next to me.

"look, I know you don't want me to go. i don't want to go. I want to be here with you and Aria, and the baby. I figure it this way. The two months I am gone you can plan the wedding and then when i get back we will have the most most amazing wedding you can think of and then we will never have to be apart. I promise, Kylie bear." He said

"I know Lou Bear. I'm just afraid that you'll find someone better and then everything will just be destroyed." I said

"Kylie bear. There is noone that makes me feel anything close to how you make me feel. I love you with all of my heart and I am never going to love anyone else, the way I love you, Aria, and this baby." 

i nodded and we left to go back home. When we walked in the door everyone was gone and there was a note on the fridge. it read: Dear Arabella and Louis, We all left to go do something. Niall and I went to Nandos, Vanessa and harry went to the movies, Liz and Zayn went to the mall, and Liam went somewhere by himself. xoxo, Jess PS we have our phones if you need us. i just walked upstairs after laying Aria down. She fell asleep on the way home. I shut the door and took everything off but my underclothes and just put on a t-shirt, then crawled into bed. i heard the door open. 

"Hey, what's the matter honey?" Louis asked

"i just don't want you to go. I'll feel empty without you here." I sniffled

He crawled in beside me and pulled me closer to him.

"i know. I'll feel empty without you with me too. I know all the guys with the girls could come but management doesn't want you to get hated and mugged by the fans. It's for your safety." He said

I wrapped my arms around him and started to cry. he just held me closer to him and let me cry. About ten minutes later, I couldn't cry anymore. I just laid there and sniffled. My phone rang. i didn't know the number but I pressed answer.

"Hello?" i asked

"Hey Arabella. it's your uncle."

"I'm not talking to you. Don't call me again."

i sat there.

"Why don't you want to talk to me?"

"i know you had my ex kill my grandmother and I bet you also had him rape me too didn't you. You bastard."

"He raped you?!?!? that wasn't part of the deal we had made."

"Well, he did it so good bye."

i hung up and sat there.

"it was my uncle. He tried to act all sweet and shit." I said

He just looked at me. We pretty much just spent every minute of everyday together, until the morning he had to leave.

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