I quickly ran after her as soon as I came to my senses. I opted to leave kairi with kearah but I knew that was a bad idea.
I grabbed Bella's arm making her stop.
"Get the fuck off me!" She yelled, making a scene.
"We need to talk! I'm not tryna do this around kairi right now but If you really think you gone give up my fucking baby you got another thing coming!" I yelled back at her delusional ass.
It's so funny how a baby can cause this much stress and mess. I didn't mean to put her through this but I felt like she cared more about me then her own child.
"You don't tell me what the fuck to do! Get the fuck out my face so I can leave!" She pushed me out the way, got in her car and drive off.
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I drove home wiping my tears. Why the fuck am I so worried about his ass?
This is not me.. this baby is making my emotional side more prominent. I only said I was giving the baby up for adoption cause I knew it would make him mad. Sunny talked me out of that hours ago.
Raising him ain't gone be easy but I know I can do it. I'm done trying to make him do right. Im hurting and it's hurting my baby as well.
I decided the best thing for me to do is leave and get my shit together. My mom thought it would be best for me to come live with her for awhile and I agreed.
I was no longer the care giver of ka'shad. Since Ronnie turned 18 a couple of months ago, he talked to some People and he though it would be best if he got custody of kashad. He showed that he indeed have a place to stay, a stable job and he's taking college courses online.
I told him if they ever needed me, I'm just one call away.
I walked to my room and started packing. It's time to do what's best for us.
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"So you got a baby on the way?" Kearah asked smirking. I don't know why she asked that dumb ass question like she didn't just see everything that just went down.
I mugged her and laid kairi down in her bed.
"You worried about the wrong thing.. and why the fuck you still in my house?" I asked her. She was annoying me the whole car ride home. I was getting beyond tired of her ass.
"I'm leaving now. Tell ya babymoms I said good luck." She winked and walked out.
I went to the bathroom and cut the shower on. I was stressed. Why was I making things harder than it have to be? I know how women got when they get pregnant. I wasn't there for her and that was my fault.
I guess I'm scared. Money isn't an issue but I'm twenty. I barely have time for kairi. I'm happy that I'm out the dope game but it's been months and I haven't got none of my businesses running.
I'm not here to make Bella happy. I'm here to make sure my kids straight.
Kairi been seeing nonstop arguing going on between her dad and these broads and I'm done with that.
I'm done with everything.
"Hey baby," my momma squealed. "I missed you so much.. and look at your belly!! Come in, we got a lot to talk about."
I laughed lightly at my moms giddy personality and put my bags by the door. We sat at the kitchen table and she handed me a plate.
"You're six months now, right anette?" My mom spoke out, calling me by middle name.
"Yes mama," I groaned. "A little boy.. I don't know what to name him yet. I'm having a hard time with that."
"Well just don't name him nothing crazy like blue or north. Ms. Glinda up the street told me her grandbaby name is denim! I said lawddd, I hope that baby don't get bullied." My momma said, laughing.
"I'm not mama." I responded laughing with her.
"Sooo.. where's the father?"
I sighed and stuffed more food in mouth. I didn't wanna talk about Abdul right now but my mom deserves to know why her baby came up here.
"He at home I guess. You already know how my baby was conceived and even though I'm not proud of it, he's here and there is nothing I can do about it. Me and Abdul haven't known each other for long. I was just thinking it would be a good idea for us to spend time with each other cause I'm stuck with him for 18+ years. Considering he has a child already I thought he would be ready.. but I guess not." I huffed, finishing my food.
"I can tell he's a hardheaded one. Bella you can't make him spend no time with you. The only person he need to get to know is that child in your stomach. As long as he buy what that baby need and take care of him like he do his other child, you shouldn't have no problem. Let him act like a lil bitch by himself. You don't need him baby. With or without him y'all are gonna be straight." My mom preached, hugging me afterwards.
I love that I can tell my mommy any and everything. She always keep it real with me, and that's exactly what I need right now.