3 days later
Me and Bella haven't spoke in days and I missed her. She even had the nerve to move in with her lil boyfriend for a day but I quickly shut that shit down.
Now all she did was mope around and look sad. I didn't care though. I had bigger and better things to worry about than that.
"Dada eat!" Kairi said interrupting my thoughts.
I picked her up and walked to the kitchen. I wasn't in the mood to throw down in the kitchen so I guess cereal will do for now.
She scrunched her nose up at me. "Real food." She said. I laughed out loud at her.
"Mama what you know about some 'real food'? Grown ass." I said.
"Don't talk to my baby like that." Bella said.
"Oh you talking to me now?" I responded shockingly.
She smacked her lips and rolled her eyes. "Why must you act so damn childish? I pray my baby don't come out like you. Always angry for no damn reason!"
"Bella pee'd!" Kairi said suddenly. We both looked down and looked at each other.
"Fuck!" I cursed. "Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic, don't panic." I chanted to myself as I went and got the hospital bag.
I picked up kairi and we all rushed to the car.
"Owwwwwwwww!" She said hissing. Gripping on to the seat. I knew she was gone be in pain but I didn't know it was gone affect her right away. "Call my mother and kamaka!"
I grabbed my phone to dial her mom but stopped when she said that nigga name.
"Why I gotta call him? On the real this doesn't concern him. This is a family matter."
"Fuck just fucking forget it! I don't care what you fucking do!"
I parked and we immediately got out.
"Nurse! My girl having her baby! We need help!" I said being dramatic as fuck. They quickly took her out my care and I shot a quick text to her mom.
Me and kairi followed them to her room.
"Okay Dr. Green her contractions are 3 minutes apart andddd she is 5cm dilated. are you having a natural birth or would you like an epidural?" Nurse Stacey said talking a mile a minute.
"Natural.. birth." Bella panted out.
This is gonna be a long day.
Trying to go to sleep while you're in extreme pain was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I just stayed awake silently cursing myself cause I should've got the epidural.
"Okay momma you're 10 cm dilated. Who would you like in the room with you?"
"My mom and my child's father." I said. They lifted my legs and I cried out.
Okay he was definitely ready to come now.
"Mama when I say push, you push okay? 1-2-3 push!"
"Ughhhhhh!" I said. I just wanted this all to be over with. "I'm never getting pregnant again. I hate you! This is all your fault!" I said to Abdul.
He kissed my forehead. "It'll all be over in a lil bit' ma, just push."
I pushed one more time and the loud cry my son made, made me bust in to tears.
"looks like you're having twins. Imma need you to push one time for me! 1-2-3-"
"He's not breathing!" Someone said.
"What-what's going on?" I said falling in and out of sleep.
"We're losing her! Everyone out now!"
"No! What's wrong with her? Is she gonna be okay? Are my babies okay?!" He said.
"Sir, imma need you to step out." She replied.
Next thing I know I blacked out.
"Your mother is gonna be the best mom. She was so excited for y'all to come. She loves you Aakif and Aalim. She'll do anything for you." Someone said softly.
"Bella?" Another soft voice said.
"She's just sleeping. She'll be up soon."
"Hey. Any news on her? How's Aalim doing?"
"She's stable. She should be up tomorrow.. And Aalim is great, turns out he was breathing he just didn't cry when he came out. I'll tell her you came, she'd be happy you showed up. take care of her okay? She deserves all the love."
"I will. Thanks man."
Okay so I did not know how to write a delivery scene. I tried my best though.Enjoy this chapter!!
I'm ending the book soon.
Love you guys thanks for everything!