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3 weeks later

"He is getting so big girl

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"He is getting so big girl. It's almost time to have him." My ob/gyn said to me.

I was at my eighth month check up with kamaka as big as ever. Today  really wasn't my day cause Abdul canceled on me. Since I'm officially 8 months I really can go into labor any day now.

"I know right." I sighed. She did what we usually do and 20 minutes later I was out of there.

"You want some ice-cream baby?" He asked.

"Yeah I could go for-"

"Skrttt no. I'm talking to the baby." He said, dissing me with his hand in my face.

I smacked my lips and walked away as fast as my swollen feet could take me. His rude ass.

"You mad mama?" He said laughing running behind me.

I gave him the silent treatment and got in the car.

"You mad mama?" I mocked in my thoughts.

He noticed I wasn't talking to him and we drove to the ice cream parlor in silence.

Getting out the car, I was still a little pissed so I continued with the silent treatment.

"Hey can I get 2 bowls of your cookies and cream ice cream?" He asked the lady.

She nodded and fixed our ice cream and kamaka paid.

As we sat down I just ate my ice cream silently.

"Let's be real.. you can't be that upset over what I said. It's Abdul huh?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Tell big daddy all about it. What happened?"

"He canceled on me. I just want him to be there when I have his child. That's all I care about." I said.

"Yeah I understand.. he gone come around. If he ain't there, then I'm there." He reassured me.

We put our trash in the trash can and walked out to the car.

"Kam you think when you take me home you can rub my feet?" I pleaded.

"Every time I do that you end up falling asleep on me." He said.

"It be feeling good kam. I can't help it." I responded.

"I'll do it if you answer one question for  me." He said.

"Okay what?"

"Are you in love with Abdul?"


"You must be Abdul? I'm Gloria, Bella's mom

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"You must be Abdul? I'm Gloria, Bella's mom." She said shaking my hand politely.

I had contacted her and said I wanted to surprise bell. I knew she was livid at me right now but I just wanted to surprise her.

"I'm kairi." Kairi said introducing herself.

We both laughed at her outburst and cooed at how cute it was. She didn't know how to say much but I made sure to teach her how to say her name. My baby was smart.

"Hey baby girl." Ms. Gloria replied. "You're so cute!"

Kairi smiled up at her, blushing a little.

We hopped in the car and headed to where they were staying. I was going to stay at an hotel but ms. gloria insisted we stay with them while we're here.

"So Bella should be back from her appointment in like 15-20 minutes right?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm bouta cook, y'all go make yourselves comfortable. Your room is on the second flood, Third room to the right."

I picked up kairi and our things and headed to that direction. Kairi was slowly falling asleep in my arms. I was tired too but i really wanted to wait on Bella. I hate I missed the appointment today and it's slowly hitting me that I'm about to be a father again.

I'm putting the past behind me cause I know what I'm capable of. I'm a damn good father to kairi and I plan on being the best I can be for my baby boy.

I laid kairi down on the bed and took everything off her except her undershirt so she can sleep more comfortable.

Granny: did y'all make it there safe yet?

I quickly texted back cursing to myself that I forgot to call her when we landed.

to granny: we did nana. I forgot to call.

granny: call me tomorrow! You need to get some rest. Kiss my granddaughter goodnight for me. I love y'all.

to granny: we love you more.

I put my phone on the night stand and plugged my charger into it.

It was going on 10:00 and Bella still wasn't here.

I grabbed my night clothes and hopped in the shower.

20 minutes later I was dressed up and ready for bed.

I walked out my room and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Checking the time it was 10:38.

"I guess I'll see her in the morning." I sighed to myself.



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