Mick + Nancy Catch Up

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Mick returns from upstairs
Right sorry about that Nance I had to sort your very drunk mother out
Ahh had a few too many did she
You could say that, yeah
At least she's enjoying herself pop
Yeah, yeah there is that
I bet you missed that though
Escorting your drunk wife back to bed
She weren't really that drunk
Nancy pulls a face
Alright maybe a little bit
A little bit, if she was still down here she would have been dancing on the tables
Mick laughs and looks down with a smile, then back up again
I have missed her though, I've really missed her
Err what about me
Yeah, yeah I've missed your boat around here, ordering people around,
Nancy taps mick
I've really missed you yeah, I know last year, I was by far you're least favourite person to be wrapped round but
Pop, don't worry about it yeah, that's in the past, anyway I heard the little man started walking just before Christmas
Mick smiles
Yeah he did, I couldn't believe my eyes like he was actually walking, I just I
I never thought I'd see the day if I'm honest Nance...I
Mick starts to get a little emotional
Aww pop come here, come here
Nance and Mick embrace in a tight hug
Right so it about this was about a week before Christmas right and I'd nearly got caught stealing a Christmas tree in a santa costume but we won't go there,
you did what,
yep, anyway so everyone was out in the square that evening cos your mother and Stacey persuaded Ian to 'put on a display' in the gardens of his trees and they were all lit up right and me and the boys had just come back from putting the tree back and your mother, Ollie, Tina and Johnny were there, I went and gave your mum a big kiss, bear in mind I was still dressed as santa at this point.
Nancy giggles
Mummy was kissing Santa Claus
Indeed Nance
So your mother went over to talk to some of her mates or something
So I thought I'd take ollie around the square, to you know see all the pretty lights and that
I carried him most of the way and er and at one point I knelt down with him cos he pointed at something, and he was so fascinated I sat down with him on the floor while he looked at the lights
Nancy smiles
Then literally out of no where he tried to get to his feet, bless him and I froze for a split second like
Then he just started to toddle a bit, and I just couldn't believe it, I put my arms out in case he fell but he didnt, I just couldn't get my head around it, so I stood up and followed him behind crouching down and I thought I have to find your muva, i kept encouraging like, go on son, you can do it,
Awwwhhh it's like you're telling me a bedtime story this pop
Hold up I ain't finished
I saw L in the near distance and called her name a few times before she turned in shock and amazement like
We both just couldn't believe our eyes
So I followed him a bit til I picked him up and me and your mum had a little cuddle with him in my arms, it was magical that night I'm telling ya
That's so cute
It was, it really was Nance
Mick had a wide smile on his face
Nance you and Johnny wouldn't mind holding the fort down here would ya
Yep sure I'll find him somewhere
Thanks baby
Mick strokes her face before going upstairs
Mick approaches their bedroom and opens to door to a tired and drunk Linda, he smiles at her briefest before quietly clambering over the sheets and snuggling up next to next to her
Mick L says quietly
Yeah, you okay baby
Mick says before kissing the side of her head
Good girl, your surprise is gonna have to be revealed tomorrow now, I'm shattered
Hmm okay
Micks eyes begin to shut as the long day catches up with him

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