Happy Ending...

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Nancy and Johnny have rung the bell downstairs an make their way to bed upstairs and as they do they spot their mum and dad snuggling in their bedroom as the door was still open and the lights were on
They approach their bedroom
Aww bless look
It's so good you know seeing dad happy again with mum, he's really missed her
Yeah proper romance that is, and as cringe as they are sometimes, I've really missed seeing them together, happy you know cos I've heard it's been far from easy for the pair of them, they need each other so much..Nancy starts to tear up a little
I'm alright I've just got an eyelash stuck, Nancy walks off
Johnny smiles at his mum and dad, he then proceeds to get a blanket from the living room and carefully places it over them, trying not to wake them. Before kissing them both of their foreheads, turning off the light and slowly closing the door trying not to wake them.

Milinda are finally back together, how it should be
Two Carter children have returned tor good
Almost all issuers were solved, almost
And they are all happy again, like the good old days..for now at least..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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