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8:45 AM
+# (###) ###-####
Yesterday At 10:54 PM

Hey. :D

Oh I saw your post, well
night night ~

Text me tomorrow.

Today At 8:47 AM


Hoseok, right?
Im glad you texted me :D

You're probably busy,
let's talk soon.

yeah, but im free today.

that's good. you need a lot of rest.

im craving ice cream but im too sore to leave my bed.

oh, jimin says hi btw.


Jungkook was beyond excited. I mean who wouldn't be when you get the chance to hang out with your celebrity crush.

He got dressed and although it was still a bit early for ice cream, it's never too early for ice cream.

The younger found himself smiling on the way to their said location. The morning was hot, it was summer after all.


"Hey there Jungkook!" Hoseok waved as he approached the younger.

"Hi! I was wondering if you'd also want to eat a meal with me."

Jungkook got the courage to ask him on a lowkey date. It wasn't intended that way, he was just nice.

Hoseok gladly took the offer even if he was on a strict diet. He didn't want to reveal such things to the public.

Jungkook was very delighted to be hanging out with Jung Hoseok, yet what saddened him is the fact that Hoseok wore a mask. He couldn't freely walk around as anything bad could happen at any moment. Worst of all, any rumor could be made if he was spotted.

"Ice cream first then I'll treat you lunch." Hoseok offered

"No, I'll treat you lunch, I was the one who asked."

"All right. By the way, Im sorry about the mask.. You kn-"

"It's okay. I understand."

They arrived at an ice cream shop and they both picked their desired flavor. They stayed in the shop so Hoseok could take off his mask and eat the ice cream.

"Hoseok, you eat a bit messy." Jungkook laughed a little.

"Do I? Aha seems so." Melted ice cream dripped off of Hoseok's heart shaped lips.

He wiped off the mess from his face and Jungkook found it too cliché, the moment seemed typical. Even if it was, it made his heart flutter.

"You misse- let me do it for you." Jungkook smiled and drove his hand up to touch Hoseok's lip. He wiped the excess off without realizing what he just did.

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