⑦ jk become trainees

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"Yo Kook, we're having a get together and CEO said we could bring a plus two, you in? You can bring a friend I guess."

Jimin says through the phone.

"Plus two? I have no one else to bring." Jungkook scratches his head as he walks around the house while conversing with his cousin.

"That TaeTae guy can come."

"Oh, you like him?" Jungkook teased.

"Nah, CEO said he wants us to bring as many people. Probably to recruit them as a trainee you know?"

"Ahh. Well what are the chances we'll get picked."

"Come on, just come. Hoseok will be there."

"How did you know I'll come if Hoseok was there?" Jungkook squints.

"Instincts but come!"

"Jimin, can I ask you something?"

"Ask away."

"Okay, if you're a trainee and you meet someone you like, can you date?"

"Well, first of all if you're a trainee you're not supposed to be meeting other people. If you're caught doing such the CEO won't like that. So no there's no dating. But there are some trainees here that secretly date eachother. Its cute and funny."

"Ah! That's a bit.. anyway thanks."

"Alright I got to blast, my manager is getting impatient. Come tonight!!"

Jungkook hangs up and decides to call Taehyung.

"Hey, you wanna come on a get together tonight?"

"Can't, my uhm something had this problem-"

"My cousin will be there."

"Aight, I'm coming over. Let's go together."

"Okay bye loser."


"Okay, it's a small gathering right? We can dress casually."

Taehyung informed Jungkook.

"Okay, I'll wear a white shirt, with jeans and timberlands."
(A/N: mind u this was an old jk phase we all knelt down for)

"Typical, that's all you have in your closet."

"You gotta problem?"


"Nice to see you two! Come in. We're just starting up everything."

Jimin orders the two youngsters to follow him.

"Oh my god oh my god! That's Jimin! Dude! He's so tiny and cute."

Taehyung whispered to Jungkook.

"Careful who you call tiny, they most likely have ears and they can hurt people." Jimin blurts, partly as a joke.

Taehyung looks down and continues to follow him quietly but kept nudging Jungkook not believing Jimin was right in front of him.

"Hyung, Why was this gathering made up again?"

Jungkook asks again.

"Recruiting. I guess. If I'm not mistaken?"

Jimin shrugs his shoulders.

"Recruiting? Like becoming a trainee? No.. No way. Im outta here."

Taehyung backed away but Jimin soon caught his hand.

"Relax, there are 100 people here, what are the chances he'll pick you two?"

Jungkook felt offended, of course in a good way, he didn't or never thought of becoming an idol, let alone a trainee. Taehyung was also offended but in a good way too since everything a trainee does is all forced, he respects the trainees who go through such hardships.

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