Chapter 6 ( Lil memories)

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I had finished the last of y donut before I balled up the bag and threw it into the ocean. It hadn't occurred to me that I probably should have just given the crumpled up bag to Amethyst. After all, she was the perfect garbage disposal and she was doing wonders for the planet.

Meanwhile, I turned around after hearing a fourth set of feet running onto the sand. I saw that it was an Indian girl with long black hair. She seemed to be dressed like some kind of fighter and had a pink sword in her hand. I realized she must have been this knight or whatever that Steven would talk about. She must be Connie.

Connie: There you are Steven, I've been looking for you. It's almost time for my training.

Steven: I totally forgot. I'm sorry Connie, I was just spending some time with (Y/n), it's his first day out of his house in a long time.

Connie: Your (Y/n)? I've heard a lot about you, especially from Steven. It's nice to meet you sir.

Connie said with a bow.

(Y/n): Sir? I'm not that old.

I said.

(Y/n): Your Connie, Steven's girlfriend right?

I said not aware about how straightforward I was being. I looked over at Connie and Steven who were blushing very deeply and not really giving me a straight answer.

Connie: Well, I am a girl....and I am his friend.

That was all Connie said before Amethyst interrupted the awkward silence.

Amethyst: This is the perfect time for you to come over to our place (Y/n). Connie and Steven will be with Pearl all day. It'll be boring. You can hang out with me to pass the time.

(Y/n): Ok....where exactly do you guys even live.

Amethyst didn't say anything and merely pointed over to what looked like a house that was literally built inside a temple resembling a giant woman. Steven told me where he lived but he was being so vague with it. I didn't think he lived inside of an ACTUAL temple and I didn't know it was a literal gem temple but it was still amazing none the less.

The next thing I knew, we had already arrived at Steven's house and it looked rather homey on the inside. The temple design was absolutely beautiful but the inside was even more wondrous. One thing I noticed immediately was a picture of some pink gem lady who I knew must be Steven's mom, Rose Quarts upon seeing her gem in the portrait. Along with the panting where various doors and what seemed to be like a giant portal right in the middle of the room floor. As I admired the warp pad, a pillar of light flashed and when it went away, I knew another gem was standing before us. I was an expert on gems or anything but if I remember Steven's description correctly, she has to be Pearl.

Pearl: Just on time as always Connie-

She began to say before her eyes fell on me. I hadn't realized I was staring at her but it's just that she looked so interesting, especially her nose.

Pearl: Um....Steven, your new human guest is...staring at me.

She said rather uncomfortably. At this point I was basically circling around her in fascination.

Steven: it's just (Y/n). He's not used to seeing gems is all but he doesn't mean to be creepy.

Steven said before I poked Pearl nose. I knew she didn't like me doing such a thing but I could tell she was bearing with it for Steven's sake as she frowned before stepping away. I could here Amethyst desperately trying to hold in her laughs.

Pearl: The three of us should get going now.

She started.

Pearl: It was...nice meeting you (Y/n).

She said with an odd facial expression before she stepped back onto the warp pad with Connie and Steven who waved at Amethyst and I.

Steven: We'll be back and Amethyst, please don't break (Y/n) while I'm away.

He managed to say before they ported away.

Amethyst: Dude, you were so weird. I can't believe you poked Pearl's nose.

Amethyst snickered.

Amethyst: If you think Pearl is interesting, wait till you see Garnet and the others.

She said.

Amethyst: Your lucky to have me to hang out with. I'm the only one that really knows how to have fun around here. Check this out.

She said before walking over to what appeared to be her room door. She tugged her shirt down slightly and it began to glow and so did the other gem on the door. They were glowing simultaneously and in an instant the door magically opened.

Amethyst: After you.

Amethyst said as she gestured me to enter her room while she followed behind me. No sooner had we stepped inside, the doors closed shut behind us and I found myself in front of a giant pile of random items. Next to it was a giant pile of clothes and I really didn't even think Amethyst wore any since she could just shape shift her clothing onto her body. Random puddles, pools and pathways were everywhere. Piles and piles of trash, random junk and relic were surrounded us.

(Y/n): This place looks dangerous.

I said with concern.

Amethyst: Don't worry you'll be fine. There's lots of stuff we can do in here. Do you want to watch something?

Amethyst said before going over to what seemed like a rather old looking TV with stacks of CD's and VHS tapes. She had clicked the TV on and we were met with static for a few seconds before a familiar theme song started to play.

I nearly jumped out of my seat as I stared at the TV.

(Y/n): NO. WAY.

I said breathlessly.

(Y/n): You like Lil Butler too?

Amethyst: Heck yeah, it's like one of my favorite shows of all time.

(Y/n): I didn't think anyone liked it but me. I used to watch it all the time but I never finished it.

Amethyst: Then you'll be happy to hear that I've got every episode. I've watched them more times than I can remember.

(Y/n): We should totally binge watch them.

I said excitedly.

Amethyst: That's what I was thinking. Hold on, I'll go get some snacks.

Amethyst said before she ran out of the room. Moments later she came back with an armful of food and some items that weren't even edible for me such as toilet paper, plastic bags and what looked like a can of motor oil. I was later slurping a bottle of soda and Amethyst was sipping her motor oil as we were basically jumping up and down for the episode to start as we sat in front of the TV.

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