Chapter 8 ( Let me see)

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I was never the kind of person who had the luxury to control their dreams. I know it seems impossible but some people can actually do it. Even better than those who can control their dreams are people who dream absolutely random things. On the other hand, I can do neither. I really didn't dream for some reason. When I went to sleep, al I saw was a black empty space of nothing like a blind person. On occasion I may see some unexplainable patterns of different colored lights but I was really just resting and that's it.

However, at this particular time, I was dreaming. It was a vivid dream, the one that felt so real. I was hearing a voice and was too deep in my sleep to know it was Steven's. I felt myself start to wake up groggily from my slumber. I felt like a child who was suddenly being woken up in the middle of the night by their parents to ask them if they needed to use the bathroom. Before I really rose up out of the couch, my eyes fluttered open when I felt something pawing at my nose. At first I thought it was Lion. He was no longer sleeping on me since I felt the weight off my chest had been removed. I noticed something purple and white looking down at me before my sight cleared. Before I knew it. I saw Amethyst peering over me from the other end of the couch.

Amethyst: Wake up already!

She said with a grin. Her sudden appearance and jittery mood startled me full awake and without thinking I quickly rose up from the couch, causing me and Amethyst to bump foreheads.

(Y/n): Ow, that hurt....

I said before rubbing my forehead.

Amethyst: Your a heavy sleeper, I've been trying to wake you up for 10 minutes.

(Y/n): Sorry, I'm just use to sleeping in late.

I said before thinking about the time. Reaching in to check the clock on my phone. The clock read 8:00 AM and I was also getting low on battery.

Meanwhile,  I looked back at Amethyst who had ran off into the kitchen area and was sitting at the table with Steven.

Steven: Morning (Y/n)!

Steven said cheerily. It looks like breakfast was going to be starting soon and in the meantime, I told Steven I'd run over to my house to clean myself up before joining them at the table. When I had came back I saw Pearl standing over the stove and Amethyst and Steven were banging their fist on the table chanting " Breakfast, breakfast breakfast."

(Y/n): I thought you guys would be eating my the time I got back.

Steven: Pearl must be busy, she's usually never late.

Steven explained. I went over to the counter to charge my phone before turning back towards Steven and Amethyst. Lion was now sitting idly beside the table along with Steven and Amethyst.

(Y/n): How about I make breakfast. I can make really good breakfast crepes.

Steven: I thought you didn't know how to cook?

(Y/n): I don't but making breakfast is easy.

Time skip......

Amethyst's P.O.V.

I couldn't stop humming to myself as Steven and I ate the breakfast (Y/n) made for us. He was right, these crepes are the best.  Usually when I eat, I just swallow the whole think but right now, I was eating pretty slow to really savor the flavor. I didn't need to rush because (Y/n) made us as many crepes as we wanted. Steven was stuffed and groaned in his chair because he ate too much but I could eat this stuff all day. I had finished the last bit of crepe I had left and had bitten off part of my plate along with it. (Y/n) had also eaten his last bite before I sat back in my chair with satisfaction.

I was going to tell (Y/n) how great his breakfast was even though he probably knew we liked it already but then Pearl came into the kitchen from her room.

Pearl: I'm so sorry, I knew I was suppose to make you two breakfast but I-

(Y/n): It's fine Pearl, I took care of it.

(Y/n) told her.

Pearl: I really appreciate that, thank you (Y/n). If I may ask, what did you make?

(Y/n): Breakfast crepes.

Pearl: Crepes? Not bad at all, why didn't I think of that.

 Pearl complimented before she began cleaning the kitchen. (Y/n) was helping her before his phoned beeped on the kitchen counter when it was finished charging. (Y/n) looked at it but no sooner had he did, he had this look on his face, one that was all too familiar to me. It was a look for loneliness and longing. Seeing him like that made me feel down and I just wanted to make it stop. I wanted to see what he was always looking at o his phone. I hadn't even realized that I was grabbing his phone before running out of the door. (Y/n) immediately began chasing after me.

Steven: Hey, where are you guys going?!

Steven yelled after us but he was too full to move and stayed put. meanwhile, Lion came into the kitchen to seemingly scoop up a crepe that had unknowingly fell to the kitchen floor.

I hadn't ran outside for more than 5 minutes before (Y/n) was right behind me, after all his legs were longer than mine. We were running along the beach, close to the ocean waves that soaked the sand but I wasn't really trying to run away from him, I wanted to bring him somewhere that we could talk and so I eventually slowed down.

Amethyst: Why are you always staring at this thing?

 I said without turning towards (Y/n) who I could here panting behind me.

(Y/n): Amethyst, did Steven put you up to this to make me exercise in the morning.....because it's working.

He said out of breathe as he bent over to catch his breath. I didn't say anything and merely found the button to his phone to turn it on, that's when I saw the picture of his screen saver showing two people who looked just like (Y/n). (Y/n) was also in the photo and he may have been a few years younger at the time since his hair was way shorter in the photo.

Steven Universe (Purple Purpose) AmethystxMaleReaderWhere stories live. Discover now