Chapter 17 ( Merge with me)

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

I had just finished burying Amethyst in the warm sand about 15 minutes ago before I started working on a sandcastle. The sand castle was starting to look pretty good considering I hadn't built one in years. When I was little, Sour Cream and I would build sand castles all the time that would eventually be brought down by the incoming waves and so we'd have to start all over again. I was putting the finishing touches on my sand castle, such as some old abandoned shells by hermit crabs, some sticks and some sea weed that washed onto the shore before I was interrupted by a text message. I had just remember that I was supposed to call Mom back. She must be worried sick.

I looked back at Amethyst who had escaped from the sand and was now tunneling in it like a dog and then I looked back at Steven and Connie who were dancing before I managed to reply back to the text. Our conversation wasn't long because it went a little something like this:

(Y/n): I'm sorry I missed your calls, I lost track of time, I was at a party and there were some things I had to take care of.

Mom: Oh, that's fine. Ever since you told me you finally came out of the house, I couldn't be more proud of you.

(Y/n): I had held from Steven and Amethyst.

Mom: Steven?

(Y/n): He's my neighbor and sort of like a substitute mom when he wants to be.

Mom had then sent a laughing emoji.

Mom: And who's Amethyst. Is it a girl?

She asked. I could practically see her anxious face on the other side of the screen. I was almost regretting telling her about Amethyst because I knew how she'd react.

(Y/n): I guess you could say that.

I said vaguely, knowing gems really don't have a gender per say.

Mom: Oh, I knew it. Just wait until I tell your father. I want you to tell me all about her. You love her don't you? Now I' so excited, I just have to meet her!

My mom was now blowing up my phone with eager text messages and I didn't know what to do. This was embarrassing, I knew I shouldn't have said anything. 

(Y/n): Ok, Mom I have to go, I'm on a date with Amethyst.

I texted her in a hurry. Wait, what?! Why did I send that? I said as I face palmed. It was the only thing I could think to do to make her calm down and as embarrassing as it was, it seemed to work.

Mom: Ooooooh!

My mom teased me.

Mom: Well, I'll leave you alone for now. Don't go doing anything I wouldn't do.

She said after sending a winking faced emoji. A blush tainted my cheeks before I quickly clicked my phone off. I felt like chucking it into the water. Mom's can be so awkward. I wonder if the conversation would have went differently if I had texted dad. I questioned before my attention suddenly snapped over to the burst of bright light that suddenly appeared out of the corner of my eye. Everything happened so fast. At first I thought something happened to Connie and Steven. They were just dancing together a minute ago and now they were nowhere in sight. Steven's phone was still playing a beautifully tuned song as a familiar looking girl stood before the phone.

No wonder I noticed her. It was Stevonnie. I said to myself before remembering the photo of Stevonnie that was on Steven's phone. A normal person would have taken a huge spit take right about now but on the other hand, I wasn't really surprised that I just witnessed a fusion, I just thought it was cool. I was witnessing magical things all the time now, whether it be on a video game or in real life. I was used to seeing stuff like this now, Steven, Amethyst and the other gems were doing magical things all the time.

I observed Stevonnie as I drew closer to her and nonchalantly took out my phone to snap a picture of her.

Amethyst: Sup Stevonnie.

Amethyst said cooly.

Stevonnie: Oops, it happened again. We've been fusing a lot lately.

Stevonnie said with a blush as she rubbed the back of her head with her hand.

Amethyst: Well yeah, that's because you guys are perfect for each other.

Amethyst teased.

(Y/n): Hold on, Connie isn't a gem, right?

I asked with slight confusion

Stevonnie: Nope but I guess we're able to fuse because Steven's half human.

(Y/n): So theoretically, does that mean Steven's able to fuse with any human?

Stevonnie: It depends on personality and stuff but yeah, I guess I can.

Amethyst: You sound like you wanna try it.

Amethyst said as she poked me with her elbow.

(Y/n): Of course, who wouldn't want to merge with another person to create something else. That sounds totally amazing but I guess I can't really fuse with you.

I said without realizing what words were coming out of my mouth.

Amethyst: Y-you wanna fuse with me?

Amethyst said in a flattered but surprised tone like she didn't understand why I'd want to fuse with a gem like her. I don't like how she said it in a way that made it sound like she wasn't worth fusing with. She seemed fine to me but there was more to fusing with a person than just wanting to do it.

(Y/n): I.... you know....I mean....I-I...I meant....

I stumbled over my words before an awkward silence wafted over. Soon after, Connie and Steven split from each other causing the two to be thrown towards the ground. I didn't know why they split, maybe it took concentration or something to keep them together.

Amethyst: You know I can't fuse with you right? And even if I could, it would probably be a bad idea. The fusions I make are....

Amethyst's words began to trail off in seeming sadness before she clutched herself and walked over to the still ocean and sat down in front of it. I didn't waste time to take a seat in the sand next to her. I was about to say something to her as we were having another moment but I soon realized Steven and Connie were watching us which really made me nervous and blush bashful. When my eyes met their eye's they immediately turned away and whistled calmly as if they weren't paying attention to us.

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