Anxiety and Love

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It took Gary all of 5 minutes to find Robbie sat on a rock just looking out at the waterfall that flowed into a lake. His hoodie hood up and arms wrapped around his knees looking like he was in deep thought. Gary gently made his way over sitting beside him not saying a word he just softly nudged his shoulder making Robbie giggle a bit at Gary's calm manner.

"You want to talk about it? What happened back there" slightly encouraging Robbie to talk to him

"I just don't see how Howard feels the need to go all detective on me, on us. Why does it matter where I got the hicky from, for all he knows it could be off a girl" Robbie tries to make a joke but they both know Robbie won't go near anyone else as long as he's with Gary "you an I both know lad, it's not from a girl" Gary breathed laughing slightly. He always knew how to calm Robbie down even if it does mean him making a joke now and again

Robbie just felt trapped, he knew Gary wasn't ready to come out per say but he acted like he did want to sometimes. He'd do little things around Robbie like put an arm around his lower back or cuddle him to make sure he's warm but the others just seen that as a friendly loving gesture they never seen the full meaning behind Gary's actions. He was so in love it began to hurt, he didn't want to hide it from the world he wanted everyone to know Gary was his and he was Gary's.

Gary sat on his side resting his big hand on Robbies inner thigh looking up at the red mark on his lovers neck "I quite like that he noticed it" Gary whispered edging closer so he could lightly trace his lips over the sensitive skin "g..Gary" the younger man openly whimpered feeling his lovers lips over the sensitive area and he can't lie, he loved the feeling it gave him. He loves it when Gary kissed over sensitive skin, especially when he gets a new tattoo, God that drives him insane

"I think" Gary breathed leaning back and went back to sitting on his side, arm wrapping around Robbies body lifting him on to his lap so there face to face "I think we should just tell them" Gary said smiling running his thumb across Robbies cheek

"Yeah?" Robbie was taken aback by Gary's words, he's wanted to come out for so long but he's just suddenly got scared "what about the fans? Family? Howard and mark what will they think"

"Hey hey baby calm down" Gary softly said holding Robbies face in his hands "the fans aren't stupid love, they're aware they just don't say it because they respect we don't want to come out yet. If our families can't accept it they can fuck off because I love you Robbie and I'm not leaving or losing you for anyone and mark and Howard are already suspecting something is going on they always have truth be told, what'd you say hey? Lets tell everyone"

Robbie could feel his heart beating at an incredibly fast pace as he took in what Gary was saying. Is this it? Are they going to come out? This is all he's ever wanted and Gary here offering him the world and more

" still with me" Gary worriedly laughed looking for robbies eyes. He was now beginning to think he's suggested the wrong thing and is starting to regret it "we don't have too, I just tho..." Gary was cut off with his boyfriends mouth claiming his in a messy but passionate kiss. One hand through Gary's hair as the other rested on his neck.

Breaking away from the kiss Robbie smiled broadly, he can't believe this is happening. He's waited for this for years.

"Yes! A million times yes! Let's tell them" Robbie was wide eyed now standing up practically jumping with joy. Gary stood up smiling, placing his hands on robbies waist to still him just so he could look at him. Everything was going so fast Robbie was finding it hard to take it in but he was more than willing to do this, only if it's what Gary truly wants

"Gary, are you sure we can't go back if we do this"

"Are you telling me you'd want to go back?"

"No no, just I don't want you to feel we have to just because I want to. I want you to want it as well" Robbie carefully explained taking Gary's hands in his softly stroking over the knuckles, he's never been one for openly showing his emotions but when it came to Robbie he just cant stop himself

"I do want this, more than you'll ever know" Gary all but whispered looking at the ground but was brought eye level with Robbie when a soft yet rough hand brought his chin up so they could look at each other "I love you" Robbie smiled cupping Gary's jaw intertwining his fingers through Gary's beard making the older man sigh with content at the motion

Gary didn't even give himself time to reply as he softly yet firmly planted his mouth upon Robbies. Taking the younger man by surprise meant he got to control the kiss, which is what he wanted

Slowly moving his mouth against his lovers, Robbie dropped his hand from Gary's and  wrapped his arm around the older mans waist holding him tightly against his body like he never wants to let go.  Running his spare hand through Gary's soft blonde hair Robbie lightly grabbed it at the back earning a light, sensual but breathless moan from his partner. Gary's mouth parted against Robbies mouth as he let the moan slip but he didn't care he was enjoying this kiss too much.

Taking the opportunity as it came Robbie slid in his tongue and let it run riot all over Gary's mouth as their mouths danced together. Robbies top was fisted into Gary's strong hold as Gary continued to hold the centre of Robbies shirt. The kiss was everything they'd want from a kiss





Once they pulled back only purely to get oxygen since they were both evidently breathless, the kiss had literally taken their breath away "I love you too" Gary finally spoke resting his head against the taller mans forehead as his chest heaved. Gary had his eyes closed as Robbie rather freely loved his hand up and down Gary's back in a loving manner. No words needed to be exchanged in this moment, this moment was perfect. Everything they've ever wanted was right here in this moment

Half an hour later

Howard was sitting back against the car tyre just watching Mark attempt to boil water, he was failing, dramatically. However all Howard could think about was he upset Robbie. He never meant to, it was just a bit of fun but clearly Robbie never took it that way as he stormed off before with Gary running after him.

If I wasn't right, if they weren't together he wouldn't of stormed off. Right?


The small voice broke Howard's train of thought as he looked up and seen Robbie stood in front of him "look rob I don't wanna argue, just forget I said any..."

"I haven't comeback for an argument, I shouldn't of stormed off like a kid I'm sorry" Robbie was avoiding eye contact with Howard as he dug his hands deep into his jeans pockets and swung backwards and forwards on his feet, he's never been he best at apologies but he's trying.

Howard nodded as he listened to Robbie and stood himself up sortin out his creased shirt "look mate, why run off if it's not true? I was only messing around but I'm beginning to think there's more to this"

"I've said sorry let's just leave it at that okay" Robbie slightly pleaded not wanting to tell Howard just yet, he wanted to wait so he could do it with Gary later when they tell them together. Not fully buying it but going with it Howard just nodded and patted Robbies shoulder as he went back over to mark so he can help him boil the water.

Watching Howard walk back and observing everything from where he stood a wave of anxiety took over Robbie, he leaned back against the car and took some deep breathes to calm down which somewhat helped. He's always having mini anxiety attacks, which is another reason why he and Gary work so well together. Gary always knows how to help him

He knows they're telling them tonight and that he really wants to but is he ready to fully expose their relationship? He's grown to like the secret aspect of it. Sneaking off for a kiss here and there, covering up and thinking of back up stories when they're late due to things getting steamy at home. He's over thinking everything, everything was becoming warmer and he began to feel like he was trapped, for once he put his feelings aside and focused on doing what Gary wants so he plastered on a smile, got the twinkle in his eye back and strolled over to where the food was being cooked

"Right" he clapped his hands "what's for dinner"

All that's left to do now is tell the two lads the truth after dinner

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